Author: Chris Tarrant Title: Millionaire Moments: The Story of 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'
Description: "Which country is sandwiched between Ghana and Benin?". Asked this question on #64,000, the very first contestant in ITV's hugely successful "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" opted to take the money. Some have since won a million on the show, whilst three have made absolutely nothing at all. The programme format has been sold to 120 countries - the most successful British light entertainment export of all time. In this book, presenter Chris Tarrant tells the story of the show's development from day one in September 1998 and describes his own thoughts about its enormous success. The book includes many of the multi-choice questions from the show, making it a truly interactive book for the quiz fan, as well as the stories of the big winners, big losers and some hysterical screamers.
Język: angielski Oprawa: miękka Liczba stron: 368 Stan książki: używana, dobry
Symbol kategorii: DB Kryteria oceny stanu książek wg kategorii podane są na stronie o mnie.

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