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Chomiński - Music of the polish renaissance (1955)

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Chomiński - Music of the polish renaissance (1955)

* Okładka: twarda
* Wydawnictwo: PWM 1955
* Wydanie: ?
* Ilość stron: 370
* Stan: dst- (zabrudzenia, podniszczona okładka, zagięcia, rdzawe plamki, zaplamienia )

* skan strony tytułowej

Spis treści:

Signs for the use of p er f o r me rs ad de d b fs B. Ruthowski MIKOŁAJ OF GRACO W (first half ot XVIth centurs)
PreambuluminFmajor 48
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilhowska-Chomińsha, arranged by Z. Lissa
Ave Jerarchia 51
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilhowsha-Chomińsha, arranged by J. M. Chominski
Introitus de Resurrectione Domini 53
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilkowsha-Chomińsha, arranged by J. M. Chominski
MIKOŁAJ OF CHRZANÓW (first half of XVIth centurjj)
Protexisti me Deus 57
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilhowsha-Chominska, arranged by J. M. Chominski •
Preambulum in G minor 61
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilkowsha-Chomińska, arranged by Z. Lissa
PreambulumiriDminor 63
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilkowsha-Chómińsha, arranged by Z. Lissa
Accede nuntia
from Jan of Lubliris Organ Tablature (1537-154&) transcribed by K. Wilkowska-Chomińska. arranged by J. M. Chomiriski
Colenda (A Carol)
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilkowsha-Chominska, arranged by J. M. Chomiński
Signs for the use of performers added by Janina Wysocka-Ochleu*fka
MIKOŁAJ OF CRACOW (first half of XVIth century)
"Hegduck" Dance 72
from Jan of Lublin's Organ Tablature (1537-154S) transcribed and arranged by A. Chybinshi
Dance '+
from Jan of Lubliris Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed and arranged by A. Chybinshi
Dance, "Martin Again" 76
from Jan of Lubliris Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed and arranged by A. Chybinshi
Dance "Poznania" 78
from Jan of Lubliris Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed and arranged by A. Chybinshi
Dance 80
from Jan of Lubliris Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed and arranged by A. Chybiński
Arrangement of Sandrin's Song
"Douce memoire" 82
from Jan of Lubliris Organ Tablature (1[zasłonięte]537-15) transcribed by K. Wilhowsha-Chominsha, arranged by Z. Lissa
A Good Polish Dance . 84
from the Organ Tablature of Christian Loeffelholtz (1585) transcribed and arranged by H. Opieński
A Polish Dance 85
from August Normiger's Organ Tablature (1598) transcribed and arranged by H. Opieński
A Połish Dance 86
from the Lute Tablature of Mateusz Waisselius (1591) transcribed and arranged by H. Opieńshi
A Połish Dance 87
from the Lute Tablature of Mateusz Waisselius (1591) transcribed and arranged by H. Opieńshi
Yolta Polonica 88
from G. L. Fuhrmann's Lute Tablature "Testudo
gallo-germanica" (1615)
transcribed and arranged by H. Opieński
A Dance from Poland 89
from N. Vallet's Lute Tablature (1615) transcribed and arranged by H. Opieńshi
Cantio polonica 90
from the Lute Tablature in the Municipal Museutn, Leipzig (1619) transcribed and arranged by H. Opieński
Dance "W y r ID a n y" (SnatchingDance) 91
from a XVIlth century Lute Tablature transcribed and arranged by H. Opieński
WOJCIECH DŁUGORAJ (c. 1550 - c, 1619}
Yillanella 92
from J. B. Besard's Lute Tablature "Thesaurus harmonicus" (1603) transcribed by M. Szczepańska, arranged by J. Ochlewska
Villanella 93
fromJ.B.Besard's Lute Tablature "Thesaurus harmonicus" (1603) transcribed by M. Szczepańsha, arranged by J. Ochlewska
JAKUB POLAK (c. 1545 - c. 1605)
Branie de S. Nicolas 94
from G. L. Fuhrmann's Lute Tablature "Testudo
gallo-germanica" (1615)
transcribed by M. Szczepańska, arranged by J. M. ChomiAski
Galliard 97
from J. B. Besard's Lute Tablalure "Novus partus" (1617) transcribed by M. Szczepańska, arranged by J. M. Chomiński
Galliard 99
from J. B. Besard's Lute Tablature "Novus partus" (1617) transcribed by M. Szczepańska, arranged by J. M. Chomiński
Coranto 100
from Joachim van den Hove's Lute Tablature
"Deliciae musicae" (1612)
transcribed by M. Szczepańska, arranged by J. Ochlewska
Coranto 101
from Joachim van den Hove's Lute Tablature
"Deliciae musicae" (1612)
transcribed by M, Szczepańsha, arranged by J, M. Chomiński