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28-01-2012, 7:12
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Koniec: 23-02-2012 17:16:25

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2009
Język: angielski
Typ publikacji: przewodnik
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seria: Insight Guides

przewodnik w języku angielskim

Przewodniki Insight napisane zostały przez ekspertów. Szczegółowe opisy, liczne, barwne fotografie, plany miast i mapki opisywanych terenów czynią przewodniki Insight pionierami w swojej branzy. Stale aktualizowane, rzetelne informacje na temat opisywanych miejsc pozwolą nam na ich eksplorację bez niemiłych niespodzianek.

This brand new edition Insight Guide to Chile and Easter Island features a wealth of inspiring full-colour photography, including outstanding double page spreads. The top ten sights are identified to show you the very best of Chile and Easter Island and to help you plan your trip priorities, whether that be exploring the Torres del Paine National Park at the southern tip of the Andes, or the hundreds of Moai statues that cover Easter Island. A brand new 'Editor's Choice' section reveals the local author's selection of the most unique experiences Chile has to offer. An in-depth 'Places' section covers the entire country, region by region, with all the principal sites cross-referenced by number to accompanying full-colour maps throughout the guide. Additional maps inside the front and back covers enable instant orientation and easy navigation at a glance. Attractive colour-coded sections contain fascinating features that explore Chile's history and culture from before the Spanish colonisation to the present day. A comprehensive 'Travel Tips' section provides essential practical information, covering transport, accommodation and activities from shopping to sports. The A-Z of practical information contains advice on budgeting, health and safety, visas and passports, as well as specialist advice for women travellers. In addition, the 'Language' section offers local words and phrases to help you get by. The unique combination of insightful exploration alongside practical advice means that this guide truly is a pleasure to read before, during and after your visit.

Introduction: Best of Chile
- Bienvenidos
- Earth, Fire, Ice

History: Decisive Dates
- The Wild Frontier
- Independence and Prosperity
- A Century of Upheavals
- Economic Progress

Features: The Chileans
- The Mapuches
- A Cultural Renaissance
- A Taste of Chile
- Fruit of the Vine
- Wild Chile
- Adventure Activities

Insights: Mini Features
- The Chilean Trail
- Andean Ski Resorts
- Pablo Nerunda
- Ghost Town
- Fruit-laden Lands
- German Settlers
- Chilote Magic
- Lost Tribes

Photo Features: Rodeos
- The Atacama Desert
- Boat Cruises
- National Parks

Places: Introduction
- Santiago
- Santiage Excursions
- Valpariso and Vina del Mar
- El Norte Chico
- El Norte Grande
- Juan Fernandez Islands
- Central Valley
- The Lake District
- Isla de Chiloe
- Aisen
- Magallanes
- Tierra del Fuego
- Easter Island

Travel Tips: Transporation
- Accommodations
- Activities
- A-Z: Practical Information
- Language
- Further Reading

Maps: Chile
- Central Santiago
- Santiago Excursions
- Valparaiso
- Norte Chico
- Norte Grande
- Isla Robinson Crusoe
- Central Valley
- Lake District
- Isla de Chiloe
- Aisen
- Magallanes and Tierra del Fuego
- Punta Arenas
- Easter Island



ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]28206
Rok wydania: 2009
Kod kreskowy: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]28206