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Charlotte Bingham - Moon at Midnight po angielsku

03-06-2012, 8:38
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Cena kup teraz: 16 zł     
Użytkownik Veronika2225
numer aukcji: 2343344067
Miejscowość Poznań
Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 22-05-2012 22:30:50

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2003
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Książka w języku angielskim

Okładka: miękka

Stan: używana / dobry

510 stron

Opis książki:

It is late autumn, 1962, and darkness is falling, but not just over the idyllic fishing port of Bexham. The threat of atomic warfare is so real that people are taking their children to work, or staying home with their families as they face what they think might be the end of the world. For some, the threat is all the more bewildering as they struggle to understand the new generation of the Sixties, a generation for whom they made so many wartime sacrifices, for whom they had such high hopes.