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Charlie Connelly - In Search of Elvis: A Journey

25-08-2014, 9:16
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Użytkownik secret_library
numer aukcji: 4458097412
Miejscowość Lublin
Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 25-08-2014 08:37:38

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Stan: Używany
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Charlie Connelly 
In Search of Elvis: A Journey to Find the Man Beneath the Jumpsuit 

Język: angielski
Oprawa: miękka
Liczba stron: 264
Stan książki: używana, db+

Since his death in 1977 Elvis Presley has become an even greater cultural icon than when he was making records and consuming deep-fried peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches. IN SEARCH OF ELVIS sees Charlie Connelly set off on a journey to discover what makes Elvis so significant today and how his spirit is being kept alive more than half a century after he changed popular culture for ever. Charlie's odyssey takes him to Finland to meet an academic who performs Elvis songs in long-dead languages - while wearing a kilt; to Canada to find the orthodox Jewish Elvis tribute artist, Schmelvis; to Scotland to get fitted out with the Presley tartan; and culminates in Memphis, where Charlie stays at the Heartbreak Hotel (which is at the end of Lonely Street) and records a song in Sun Studio, the very room where Elvis arguably invented rock'n'roll. Hilarious yet informative, and written with Charlie Connelly's customary wit and charm, this book will appeal to Elvis fans of all ages, plus the many travel-book aficionados who delighted in ATTENTION ALL SHIPPING.

Charlie Connelly - In Search of Elvis: A Journey

Inne książki w ofercie Secret Library


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