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Chanticleer: Ignacio de Jerusalem: Matins For The Virgin Of Guadalupe [CD]
Chanticleer: Ignacio de Jerusalem: Matins For The Virgin Of Guadalupe [CD]
Ignacio de Jerusalem
rok wydania:
nr kat.:
rodzaj opakowania:
jewel case
 Lista utworów
1. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Invitatorio y Salmo
2. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Hymn - Quem terra pontus sidera
3. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Bendicíon y Leccíon I
4. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Responsorio - Vidi speciosam sicut
5. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Responsorio - Quae est ista, quae ascendit
6. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Bendicíon y Leccíon II
7. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Responsorio - Quae est ista, quae processit
8. Sumaya : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Interludio : Albricias mortales
9. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Antífona y Salmo 18
10. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Responsorio - Signum magnum apparuit in caelo
11. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Versículo, Padrenuestro y Absolución
12. Rust : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Responsorio : Beatam me dicent omnes
13. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Benedicíon y Leccíon III
14. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - I Te deum laudamus
15. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - II Te aeternum Patrem
16. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - III Tibi omnes Angeli
17. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - IV Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim
18. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - V Sanctus
19. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - VI Pleni sunt caeli
20. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - VII Te ergo quaesumus
21. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - VIII Aeterna Fac Cum Sanctis Tuis
22. Ignacio de Jerusalem : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Te Deum - IX In te, Domine, speravi
23. Sumaya : Matins for the Virgin of Guadalupe : Recesional : Angélicas milicias
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