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Changing Identities in Early Modern France XVII w.

22-05-2014, 0:50
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Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1997
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Changing Identities in Early Modern France

edited by Michael Wolfe

Duke University Press 1997

Stron X+411, format: 15x24 cm

Książka jest nowa

Changing Identities in Early Modern France offers new interpreta­tions of what it meant to be French during a period of profound transition, from the outbreak of the Hundred Years' War to the consolidation of the Bourbon monarchy in the seventeenth cen­tury. As medieval notions gradually gave way to new definitions of the state, society, and family, dynastic struggles and religious wars raised questions about loyalty and identity and destabilized the meaning of "Frenchness."

After examining the interplay between competing ideologies and public institutions, from the monarchy to the Parlement of Paris to the aristocratic household, the volume explores the dy­namics of deviance and dissent, particularly in regard to women's roles in religious reform movements and such sensationalized phe­nomena as the witch hunts and infanticide trials. Concluding es­says examine how regional and confessional identities reshaped French identity in response to the discovery of the New World and the spectacular spread of Calvinism.

" Changing Identities in Early Modern France is an outstanding volume. Michael Wolfe has done a superb job." —Carolyn Chappell Lougee, Stanford University

"This volume presents both new material and new interpretation. The scholarship is superior. Historians will welcome its publication."—Jonathan Dewald, State University of New York at Buffalo


Michael Wolfe is Associate Professor of History at Pennsylvania State University, Altoona.

Cover art: Michelangelo working frenetically on a statue at night. Engraving from Michelet, Histoire de France (Rouff edition), 2:1033.


Michael Wolfe

Introduction: Becoming French in Ear/y Modern Europe i

I. Ideologies and Institutions 23

J. H. M. Salmon

The French Romantics and the Renaissance 2 5

Lawrence M. Bryant

Making History: Ceremonial Texts, Royal Space, and Political Theory in the Sixteenth Century 46

Sarah Hanley

Identity Politics and Rulership in France: Female Political Place and the Fraudulent Salic Law in Christine de Pizan and Jean de Montreuil 7 8

Robert Descimon

The Birth of the Nobility of the Robe: Dignity versus Privilege in the Parlement of Paris, 1300-[zasłonięte] 1700

Kristen B. Neuschel

Noblewomen and War in Sixteenth-Century France 124

II. Dissent and Deviance 145

Charmarie Blaisdell

Religion, Gender, and Class: Nuns and Authority in Early Modern France 147

Barbara B. Diefendorf

An Age of Gold? Parisian Women, the Holy League, and the Roots of Catholic Renewal 169

Denis Crouzet

A Woman and the Devil: Possession and Exorcism in Sixteenth-Century France 191

Richard M. Golden

Satan in Europe: The Geography of Witch Hunts 216

Alfred Soman

Anatomy of an Infanticide Trial: The Case of Marie-Jeanne Bartonnet (1742) 248

III Identities in Flux 273

Donald R. Kelley

New World, Old Historiography 275

William Bouwsma

Montaigne and the Discovery of the Ordinary 294

Zachary Sayre Schiffman

An Intellectual in Politics: Montaigne as Mayor of Bordeaux 307

Silvia Shannon

Villegagnon, Polyphemus, and Cain of America: Religion and Polemics in the French New World 325

Mack R Holt

Burgundians into Frenchmen: Catholic Identity in Sixteenth-Century Burgundy 345

Michael Wolfe

Protestant Reactions to the Conversion of Henry TV 371

Index 391

Contributors 409

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