Wydawnictwo: 2004r Liczba stron: 144, format 21x23.5cm Stan książki: db Jeśli WYSYŁKA: Koszt przesyłki 8 zł. List polecony. Wysyłka max 48h od momentu zaksięgowania pieniędzy na koncie Jeśli ODBIÓR osobisty - Saska Kępa, ul. Afrykańska. UWAGA! ODBIORY OSOBISTE WYŁĄCZNIE PO UPRZEDNIEJ WPŁACIE NA KONTO. PROWADZĘ DZIAŁALNOŚC GOSPODARCZĄ, KORZYSTAM ZE ZWOLNIENIA Z KASY FISKALNEJ - WSZYSTKIE WPŁYWY Z AUKCJI MUSZA SIĘ ZNALEŹĆ NA MOIM FIRMOWYM KONCIE! NIE MOGĘ PRZYJĄĆ GOTÓWKI. W jezyku angielskim Fight Cellulite and lose weight with Carol Vorderman's brilliant new book. Based on the successful detox diet that I and thousands of others have found so helpful, this programme combines a specially designed diet with exercises and the use of skin-brushing and creams, as well as possible salon treatments (if you want to incorporate them) that could help to reduce those unsightly lumps and bumps! Giving your body the chance to renew itself with a cleansing diet and following the exercises, which target the specific areas that attract cellulite, is a great way not just to combat the problem, but also to lose weight. ==================================================== 'I lost 10lb from the diet, exercise plan and creams. I now have more energy and feel fantastic.' Tester, aged 41 'It's a problem that millions of women face all over the world - the dreaded cellulite! But why do women get it, what causes it and, more importantly, how can you beat it? * It's something that I've been keen to tackle for a long time now and now I've got together with various experts to develop a 30-day plan which I believe can really make a difference. * Based on the successful detox diet that I and thousands of others have found so helpful, this programme combines a specially designed diet with exercises and the use of skin-brushing and creams, as well as possible salon treatments (if you want to incorporate them) that could help to reduce those unsightly lumps and bumps! * Giving your body the chance to renew itself with a cleansing diet and following the exercises, which target the specific areas that attract cellulite, is a great way not just to combat the problem, but also to lose weight. * Thanks to a fantastic group of women who volunteered to help trials, we've discovered not only just how effective individual solutions can be, but especially what happens if you do the complete programme. And inside, you will find exclusive 'before' and 'after' shots that show the results.
We all want to look out best and cellulite is definitely no fun! So, if you really want to take action, then this is the plan for you.' - Carol Vorderman