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CD VARSHA SAXENA After The Storm (new age) piano

13-06-2015, 18:40
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 34.99 zł     
Użytkownik sectio_aurea
numer aukcji: 5089421695
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 4   

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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    Koszt przesyłki na terenie Polski jest stały, niezależnie od ilości kupionych płyt.


Wydawca: North Pacific Music, 2004
Symbol: NMP LD 017 

VARSHA SAXENA - piano solo

       After The Storm

[ 1 ]  parting clouds LISTEN
[ 2 ]  running in the mist LISTEN
[ 3 ]  rainbow bridge LISTEN
[ 4 ]  gulls above the bluff LISTEN
[ 5 ]  wind through the pines LISTEN
[ 6 ]  sky off the lagoon LISTEN
[ 7 ]  waves against the rocks LISTEN
[ 8 ]  ebbing tide LISTEN
[ 9 ]  kites flying LISTEN
[10]  beach at sunset LISTEN

Varsha Saxena - second generation East Indian American, currently lives in Palo Alto, California. In Hindi, her given name, Varsha, means "tiny raindrops," not unlike how her piano playing is sometimes described. Moreover, she freely draws on her family's traditional cultural background in her piano creations.
Varsha has played piano since the age of ten, when she says she was inspired to take up studies by a captivating televised performance of the legendary Horowitz.
Since then her studies have taken her through various periods in classical western literature and on to contemporary piano stylists, like George Winston.

This, her debut recording, she dedicates to her family and friends.

Płyta CD oryginalna, nowa, zafoliowana.