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Point of Grace Free to Fly __________________________________________
Gospel (inne płyty na moich aukcjach)
Stan: dobry, powierzchowne ryski, odtwarza bez zarzutu. Condition: good, surface lines. Produkt oryginalny. Original item.
Data wydania / Release Date: 2001 Wydawca / Label: Word Distribution / Sony UPC: 696[zasłonięte]541429 By Heart You Will Never Walk Alone He Sends His Love Praise Forevermore Blue Skies Begin With Me Free Indeed All That I Need Something So Good Yes, I Believe La La Wykonawcy / Artists: Rusty Anderson Guitar Steve Brewster Drums, Percussion John Catchings Cello Dave Cleveland Guitar Pat Coil Piano Alan Darby Drums, Guitar (Nylon String) Schuyler Deale Bass Scott Dente Guitar, Guitar (Acoustic) Mark Hill Bass The London Session Orchestra Strings Phil Maderia Organ (Hammond) Pat Malone Bass Blair Masters Hammond Synth, Keyboards, Organ (Hammond), Piano Jerry McPherson Guitar Dan Muckala Keyboards, Programming The Nashville String Machine Strings Dan Needham Drums Nathan Nockels Keyboards, Producer Chris Rodriguez Guitar Jimmie Lee Sloas Bass David Tyson Composer, Keyboards, Producer, Programming
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