Oryginalna płyta CD MOTOROLA ENLN4115M
z oprogramowaniem CPS R03.10.03 do radiotelefonów serii GP/GM.
PRODUKT / PRODUCT: Professional GP300 / GM300 Series CPSNR ARTYKUŁU / KIT No.: ENVN4005T (EMEA English)WERSJA / VERSION: R03.10.03DATA UTWORZENIA / DATE OF BUILD: 29-Jun-2009WERSJE JĘZYKOWE / LANGUAGE VERSIONS: ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN.=======================================================Cel wydania tej wersji / Purpose of this release=======================================================CPS release supporting Portable and Mobile versions ofthe Professional GP300/GM300 Series 5-tone radios.Obsługiwane modele / Supported radio models:GP320, GP330, GP340, GP344/R, GP360, GP380, GP388/R, GP366RGM340, GM360, GM380Obsługiwane pasma częstotliwości radiowych / Supported RF bands:LB1, LB2, LB3, 300, VHF, UHF1, UHF2=====================NEW FEATURES / NOTES=====================Nowe funkcje / NEW FEATURES:Enhancement CPS reading and writing feature: if target radio's codeplug is corrupt, CPS will try to recover the target radio with default codeplug.Add selective item -- "Green Tick" for F3 button.Supports all existing radio versions in the field as wellas the new radio versions.A ComTool is installed into the same directory as theCPS, to help customers having problems to access the radio via the Com port. The tool gives a detailed error message and gives many hints in the fileComTool.txt how to solve the problem.NOTE: If using the CPS mail menu, ensure that the last changed data is saved to file.It is possible to keep several CPS version on the computer. If only the latest version should be used,Uninstall any old CPS version before you install thenew one.
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