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Beverly Crawford Live: Family and Friends __________________________________________
Gospel (inne płyty na moich aukcjach)
Stan: dobry+. Condition: good+. Produkt oryginalny. Original item.
Data wydania / Release Date: 2003 Wydawca / Label: Warner Music UPC: 081[zasłonięte]997410 Digitally mastered HDCD Higher in the Lord Hold On For the Rest of My Life There's an Answer In Your Arms Miracles I'm Willing to Wait But Through It All I'll Never Give Up How I Got Over Inhabit My Praise/Oh, The Prescence Wykonawcy / Artists: Terry Baker Drums Beverly Crawford Latrina Crawford Eric Darken Organ, Overdubs, Percussion Mark Douthit Sax (Alto), Sax (Baritone), Sax (Tenor) Barry Green Trombone Anthony Harmon Bass Mike Haynes Trumpet Derrick Lee Composer, Music Direction, Piano Mike Nelson Steve Patrick Trumpet Bobby Sparks Clavinet, Moog Synthesizer, Organ Al Willis Guitar
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