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CAUCHEMAR Tenebrario CD Nuclear War Now Prod.

06-10-2014, 3:11
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 29.99 zł     
numer aukcji: 4581540093
Miejscowość Selfmadegod
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 06-10-2014 03:04:48

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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CAUCHEMAR - Tenebrario CD

CAUCHEMAR - Tenebrario CD



Nuclear War Now Prod.



Doom / Heavy Metal

Debiut długogrający heavy/doommetalowego zespołu z Kanady.

Oryginalny opis wydawcy:

With the release of its 2010 MLP, "La Vierge Noire" Canada's Cauchemar immediately garnered the praise of the underground with its five tracks of fine traditional doom interspersed with passages of driving heavy metal. Guitarist Fran?ois Patry?s riffs and songwriting anchored by Patrick Pageau?s fastidious percussion and Annick Giroux?s haunting vocals immediately stood out as being both authentic and unique amid the emerging and increasingly crowded sub-genre of female-fronted doom bands. Despite many fans? desire for new material following the release of the MLP, Cauchemar members Patry and Giroux chose to explore and absorb rather than record and transmit. Their one-and-a-half-year peregrination carried them to South America, Asia, and Europe. As part of their travels, Patry and Giroux re-assembled Cauchemar and toured extensively in Europe and also played shows in Chile, Peru, Colombia, and India all while continuing to write new material for their debut LP inspired and informed by their sojourns. Upon returning to Canada, Cauchemar, now a four-piece featuring Andres Arango on bass, began recording its first full-length. Entitled ?Tenebrario,? the album is steeped in mysterious atmosphere and finds the band delivering more of the solid songwriting featured on the MLP while also expanding in complexity and range. Striving for an aesthetically comprehensive presentation, Cauchemar enlisted Paolo Girardi to provide the cover art, which is among the best of his pieces to be featured on an album cover. The three-year silence preceding this release only enhanced the band?s approach and the resulting work speaks for itself.

1. D'encre et de sang 03:38
2. Le feu du soleil 05:12
3. Salamandre 04:41
4. Tête de mort 04:10
5. L'Appel 03:45
6. Le fantôme 03:18
7. Rites lunaires 03:39
8. Trois mondes 04:49
9. Tenebrario 03:41
  • CAUCHEMAR - Tenebrario CD
  • CAUCHEMAR Tenebrario CD Nuclear War Now Prod.