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20-01-2012, 17:12
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Capella Antiqua Munchen: Adoratio: Gregorian Chant [CD]
Capella Antiqua München: Adoratio: Gregorian Chant [CD]
Capella Antiqua München
rok wydania:
nr kat.:
rodzaj opakowania:
jewel case
 Lista utworów
1. Te decet laus (Conclusion of the Matins) - Capella Antiqua München
2. Gloria in excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn To The Angels) - Capella Antiqua München (Hymn To The Angels)
3. Aeterne rerum conditor (Hymn at Lauds on Sundays) (excerpt) - Capella Antiqua München
4. Inventor rutili (Hymn for the Lighting of the Easter Fire) - Capella Antiqua München
5. Mediae noctis tempus est (Hymn for the Night Vigil) - Capella Antiqua München
6. A solis ortus cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers) - Capella Antiqua München
7. Gloria, laus, et honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday) - Capella Antiqua München
8. Sancti, venite, Christi corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday) - Capella Antiqua München
9. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor (Antiphon for the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday) - Capella Antiqua München
10. Pange, lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross on Good Friday) - Capella Antiqua München
11. Hic est dies verus Dei (Hymn for the Easter Liturgy of Milan) - Capella Antiqua München
12. Beata nobis gaudia (Hymn at Lauds for Pentecost) - Capella Antiqua München
13. Ave, maris stella (Hymn to Mary) - Capella Antiqua München
14. Ut queant laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist) - Capella Antiqua München
15. Aurea luce (Hymn for Vespers at the Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul) - Capella Antiqua München
16. Urbs beata Ierusalem (Hymn for the Dedication of a Church) - Capella Antiqua München
17. O quanta, qualia (Hymn for Vespers on Saturdays) - Capella Antiqua München
18. Alleluia, dulce carmen (Farewell to the Alleluia before Lent) - Capella Antiqua München
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