WYPRZEDAŻ - okazyjna cenaksiążka leżała na półce, ma nieco uszkodzoną okładkę, ale w środku jest 100 % nowa
Drawn from the content of the new Ninth Edition of Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, this unique publication brings together the basic scientific information on the molecular biology of cancer. The format is designed to be useful both to research scientists interested in the study of cancer and to oncologists who need to understand these new developments that are having a profound impact on the care of patients with cancer. Leading scientists and clinicians in the field of molecular biology and clinical oncology have lent their expertise to this project. The text has been divided into two parts. Part I includes thirteen chapters that deal with the general principles of the molecular biology of cancer that provide the basic framework for an understanding of the behavior of cancer cells. Part II includes an up-to-date description of how this new information has affected the understanding of the biology of 19 of the most common cancers, with an emphasis on how these new findings have been translated to impact the management of cancer patients. This distinctive text provides a single concise source of information for scientists and clinicians in this rapidly developing field.

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