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Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency Hewings

28-01-2012, 5:06
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Koniec: 28-01-2012 05:06:38

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
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Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency - Martin Hewings
304 strony

Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for both CAE and Proficiency with plenty of exam practice at the same time. Grammar is presented in a listening context giving students the chance to hear it being used in realistic situations and making it easier to remember. It includes the full range of exam tasks from the Reading, Writing and Listening papers and shows how grammar knowledge is tested in each of these. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, grammar is presented in genuine contexts and the book covers the errors students really make.

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