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Cambridge Books for First Certificate - komplet

28-02-2012, 17:46
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Cena kup teraz: 70 zł     
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Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 10-02-2012 12:19:59

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2010
Język: angielski
Zestaw: książka + CD
Ćwiczenia: tak, z kluczem
Przeznaczenie: do gimnazjum, do liceum, dla dorosłych,
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Witam Serdecznie,

Przedmiotem aukcji są dwie książki do nauki J. angielskiego wyd. Cambridge z płytami CD:

1. Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate (2-nd edition) + CD

2. Vocabulary for First Certificate with answers + CD

Opis pozycji:

1. Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate - Book with answers and Audio CD (Second Edition) by Louise Hashemi and Barbara Thomas Opis produktu:
Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate Second edition provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for the Cambridge FCE exam, and develops listening skills at the same time.

It includes the full range of FCE exam tasks from the Reading, Writing, Listening, and Use of English papers, and contains helpful grammar explanations and a grammar glossary. It has been fully updated for the new exam to be introduced from December 2008.

Key Features
* Presents grammar through listening material to help improve listening skills.
* Contains clear and reliable grammar explanations with lots of examples, making it ideal for learning new grammar points or as a reference.
* Provides exam preparation as it helps students to practise a range of exam tasks.
* Includes a grammar glossary which explains difficult grammatical language simply.

2. Vocabulary for First Certificate with answers + CD - Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura
Error warnings to help you avoid common mistakes regular tests to check your progress practice exam tasks from the Use of English, Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking papers techniques for learning and remembering vocabulary a full word list for easy reference vocabulary in a listening context.

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge
Oprawa: miękka
ISBN: 978-05-[zasłonięte]-9799-6
Stron: 137
Wymiary: 188x246

Polecam wszystkim przygotowującym się do egzaminu FIRST CERTIFICATE

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