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darmowa wysyłka
Cabin in The Sky (Chatka w niebie) Soundtrack [CD]
Georgie Stoll
rok wydania:
nr kat.:
rodzaj opakowania:
jewel case
 Lista utworów
1. Main title - Georgie Stoll
2. Foreword - Georgie Stoll
3. Li'l black sheep (Extended version) - Georgie Stoll
4. Old ship of Zion - Georgie Stoll
5. But the flesh is weak - Georgie Stoll
6. The prayer - Georgie Stoll
7. The first revelation - Georgie Stoll
8. Saint Petunia (Extended version) - Georgie Stoll
9. Happiness is a thing called Joe - Georgie Stoll
10. Dat suits me - Georgie Stoll
11. Beside the still waters - Georgie Stoll
12. Cabin in the sky - Georgie Stoll
13. Ain' it the truth (Outtake) - Georgie Stoll
14. Ain' it the truth (Reprise) (Outtake) - Georgie Stoll
15. Taking a chance on love - Georgie Stoll
16. The meek and the mild - Georgie Stoll
17. Life's full o' consequence - Georgie Stoll
18. Petunia in the wilderness - Georgie Stoll
19. Happiness is a thing called Joe reprise - Georgie Stoll
20. Things ain't what they used to be - Georgie Stoll
21. Going up (Extended version) - Georgie Stoll
22. Down at Jim Henry's ((In) my old Virginia home (on the river Nile)) - Georgie Stoll
23. Shine - Georgie Stoll
24. Honey in the honeycomb (Extended version) - Georgie Stoll
25. Love me tomorrow (Extended version) - Georgie Stoll
26. Honey in the honeycomb reprise - Georgie Stoll
27. Sweet Petunia - Georgie Stoll
28. The third revelation - Georgie Stoll
29. Little Joe throws snake eyes - Georgie Stoll
30. Amen - Georgie Stoll
31. Taking a chance on love reprise - Georgie Stoll
32. Taking a chance on love (Full reprise lyric) - Georgie Stoll
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