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C. P. E. Bach: Sonaten Fur Kenner Und Liebhaber N

17-06-2014, 22:41
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Cena kup teraz: 57.45 zł     
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Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 17-06-2014 21:39:14

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C. P. E. Bach: Sonaten Fur Kenner Und Liebhaber Nasza cena: 57.45 zł
Cena z okładki: 59.90 zł

The most boldly original and innovative of Johann Sebastian Bach's composer-sons, Carl Philipp Emanuel did not have to wait long, unlike his father, for public recognition. His music continued to be held in high esteem after his death, with composers such as Mozart and Mendelssohn making detailed studies of his style. Even Brahms took to editing a number of C.P.E. Bach's works.

Emanuel composed in almost every genre except opera, but keyboard music is without doubt the most consistent thread running throughout his career, with more than 300 works written for this medium alone. Spread over five CDs, this release is dedicated to the six groups of pieces together described as 'für Kenner und Liebhaber' ('for connoisseur and amateur'), his most ambitious publishing venture ever. The collections show a marked difference in style compared to many of his other compositions for keyboard that were strictly leveled at the popular, amateur-intended market: in addition to examples of the rondo, a form then in vogue, we encounter audacious sequences of modulations, an ever-increasing amount of motivic treatment and such styles as the free fantasy -- where Emanuel is at his most modern, the music here often containing no bar lines and demonstrating capriciousness of character through its constant switches between extremely fast passagework, uncertainty of direction and calmness.

Written for clavichord and harpsichord, these adventurous, highly engaging works are here performed with aplomb by Dutch keyboardist and period performance expert Pieter-Jan Belder. Belder has made many recordings for Brilliant Classics over the years; regarding his recent study of Domenico Scarlatti's Sonatas (93546), Fanfare magazine commented, '...his playing is never less than alive, fresh sounding, and thoroughly engaged in the music's acrobatics and gymnastics...very strongly recommended.'

Other information:
- New recording (2012--2013) played on fortepiano and clavichord.
- Contains notes on the music and an artist biography.
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, the most famous son of the great Johann Sebastian, created his own individual style, in which freedom of expression was the keyword. This substantial collection of keyboard works, "Für Kenner und Liebhaber"(for connoisseur and amateur) contains some of his most audacious compositions, in which frequent and abrupt mood changes, improvisatory and declamatory passages without bar lines and wildly digressing modulations are the stylistic landmarks.
- Pieter Jan Belder is one of the most respected and esteemed keyboard players of today. His immense discography for Brilliant Classics bears witness of a highly skilled and communicative musician, with a deep and innate understanding of the style and performance practice of the Baroque and Classical Period.
- A perfect preparation of the C.P.E. Bach year 2014!

Oprawa Plastikowa
Objętość 0
Nośnik główny CD-Audio
Format 14.0x12.0cm
Tematyka Muzyka na CD
Zawartość Sonaten Fur Kenner Und Liebhaber CD 1
I. Prestissimo
II. Andante
III Allegretto
I. Andante
II. Larghetto
III. Allegro assai
I. Allegretto
II. Andante
III. Cantabile
I. Allegro assai
II. Poco adagio
III. Allegro
I. Al
Autor Pieter-Jan Belder
Rok wydania 2013
Ilość nośników 5

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