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11-03-2015, 13:25
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 99 zł     
Użytkownik pawel_przybyla
numer aukcji: 5138198623
Miejscowość Sosnowiec
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 11-03-2015 13:29:13
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Przedmiotem aukcji jest ZESTAW - ORYGINALNYCH I NOWYCH KART - do znanej - kolekcjonerskiej gry karcianej C-23 CCG...

!!! - C-23 CCG - !!!

!!! by Wizards of the Coast 1998 AD !!!




!!! 162/162 KARTY - WSZYSTKIE NOWE !!!

54/54 Rare Cards, 9/9 N/A Cards, 54/54 Common Cards and 45/45 Uncommon Cards..





Karty są fabrycznie nowe, ułożone w kolejności alfabetycznej, w bezpiecznym opakowaniu.



C-23 description from Scrye:

Wizards of the Coast had been interested for years in the comics market [where, after all, many of its products are sold]. Rather than adapt an existing comic book for its first foray, Wizards worked with Image Comics star Jim Lee [whose studio had previously given us the Wildstorms CCG] to create a CCG world supported by a new ongoing comic book.

In the far future of C23, the remnants of humanity live an underground city, ,,The Colony". Humanity sends cybernetically enhanced HyperShock Troopers to try to reclaim the Earth's surface from the Angelans, a monstrous race of humanoid insects. Things are complicated by the factionalization of the Colony, between the evil government of Cronus and the rebels led by Corbin, who has discovered a terrible secret.


Lista kart:

001 of 162 PHALANX BUSTS DOWN THE DOOR - action - red - common
002 of 162 BARRAGE'S HE CHARGE - action - red - common
003 of 162 FRESH OUT OF THE ACADEMY - character - red - common
004 of 162 COLONIAL POLICE - character - red - evil - common
005 of 162 REBEL SENTRY - character - red - good - common
006 of 162 WATER CANNON BRIGADE - character - red - common
007 of 162 LOYAL STRIKE FORCE - character - red - evil - common
008 of 162 REBEL ROUSERS - character - red - good - common
009 of 162 SNIPER CREW - character - red - common
010 of 162 COMBAT-STRESSED VETS - character - red - common
011 of 162 FANATICAL TROOPS - character - red - evil - common
012 of 162 EKON'S TASK FORCE - character - red - good - common
011 of 162 CONVICTS - character - red - common
014 of 162 BURN SQUAD - character - red - common
015 of 162 RIOT SUPPRESSORS - character - red - evil - common
016 of 162 REJECTED EXPERIMENT - character - red - common
017 of 162 NEMESIS CRUSHES THEM... - combat - red - evil - common
018 of 162 ELECTRODART RIFLE - combat - red - common
019 of 162 NEMESIS KNOWS COUNTERATTACKS - action - red - evil - uncommon
020 of 162 PHALANX HAS JUST THE THING - action - red - uncommon
021 of 162 NEMESIS MOWS DOWN ANGELANS - action - red - evil - uncommon
022 of 162 HEMLOCKE GETS HIS HANDS DIRTY - action - red - evil - uncommon
023 of 162 PHALANX'S PLASMA BARRAGE - action - red - uncommon
024 of 162 PHALANX HOSES THEM DOWN - action - red - uncommon
025 of 162 GOON SQUAD - character - red - uncommon
026 of 162 ROCKET PLATOON - character - red - uncommon
027 of 162 EMP PLATOON - character - red - uncommon
028 of 162 BOMB 'N' BASH UNIT - character - red - uncommon
029 of 162 CYBERED-UP GIZARD - character - red - uncommon
030 of 162 COLONIAL DIVISION - character - red - uncommon
031 of 162 CORBIN'S EXPERT TOUCH - action - red - good - uncommon
032 of 162 DEFENSIVE FORCE FIELDS - combat - red - uncommon
033 of 162 CORBIN FLASHES HIS ION BLADE - combat - red - good - uncommon
034 of 162 DESPERATE GAMBLE - action - red - evil - rare
035 of 162 BECAUSE HEMLOCKE COMMANDS IT - action - red - rare
036 of 162 CORBIN RAIDS THE ARMORY - action - red - good - rare
037 of 162 PHYLA FILCHES AN ULTRASOUND RIFLE - action - red - good - rare
038 of 162 BARRAGE'S TRACKING MISSILES - action - red - rare
039 of 162 CORBIN LEVELS AN OUTPOST - action - red - good - rare
040 of 162 BARRAGE'S HOMING MISSILE - action - red - rare
041 of 162 PHALANX GETS CARRIED AWAY - action - red - rare
042 of 162 CORBIN LEADS THE HYPERSHOCKS - action - red - good - rare
043 of 162 PANZER - character - red - rare
044 of 162 ELITE SPECIAL FORCES UNIT - character - red - rare
045 of 162 NEMESIS - character - red - evil - rare
046 of 162 PHALANX - character - red - rare
047 of 162 BARRAGE - character - red - rare
048 of 162 CORBIN - character - red - good - rare
049 of 162 TRACKING DEVICE - combat - red - evil - rare
050 of 162 CLIMACTIC BATTLE - combat - red - rare
051 of 162 CORBIN TRASHES A LAB - combat - red - good - rare
052 of 162 MUSTARD GAS - action - green - common
053 of 162 PHYLA DOES THE DIRTY WORK - action - green - good - common
054 of 162 LETHAL PURCURCHIN - character - green - common
055 of 162 ANGELAN GARRISON - character - green - common
056 of 162 EKON'S UNDERSTUDY - character - green - good - common
057 of 162 TUNNEL COMMANDO - character - green - good - common
058 of 162 ANGELAN SCOUTS - character - green - common
059 of 162 ANGELAN SLAVES - character - green - evil - common
060 of 162 EKON'S RECRUITS - character - green - good - common
061 of 162 ANGELAN GUARD BEAST - charcter - green - good - common
062 of 162 SEWER DWELLERS - character - green - good - common
063 of 162 STRAFING DRONE - character - green - common
064 of 162 THUNDERING BEETLE - character - green - common
065 of 162 RIOTING MASSES - character - green - common
066 of 162 LUMBERING HULK - character - green - common
067 of 162 DESERT NOMADS - character - green - common
068 of 162 WOLVERN PACK - character - green - common
069 of 162 SUDDEN MUTATION - combat - green - common
070 of 162 ANGELAN TRANSPORT - action - green - good - uncommon
071 of 162 CORBIN SUDDENLY REMEMBERS - action - green - good - uncommon
072 of 162 SCOUTING MISSION - action - green - uncommon
073 of 162 ANGELAN AUTOPSY - action - green - evil - uncommon
074 of 162 PLAGUE MOSQUITOES - character - green - uncommon
075 of 162 POISONOUS SNAKES - character - green - uncommon
076 of 162 PHYLA'S STOOLIE - character - green - good - uncommon
077 of 162 GIANT SCORPION - character - green - uncommon
078 of 162 STAMPEDING HERD - character - green - uncommon
079 of 162 SPIES IN HIGH PLACES - character - green - good - uncommon
080 of 162 GAMELUS CORPS - character - green - uncommon
081 of 162 ANGELAN JUGGERNAUT - character - green - uncommon
082 of 162 PHYLA'S STINGERS - character - green - uncommon
083 of 162 HYPER STIMULANTS - character - green - uncommon
084 of 162 TACTICAL INSTINCTS - combat - green - good - uncommon
085 of 162 GAMELUS PLOTS THE APPROACH - action - green - rare
086 of 162 CORBIN NEEDS HELP, BADLY - action - green - good -rare
087 of 162 KNOCKOUT GAS - action - green - rare
088 of 162 CORBIN QUESTIONS THE SURVIVORS - action - green - good - rare
089 of 162 PHYLA DRUMS UP SUPPORT - action - green - good - rare
090 of 162 THRUTH SERUM - action - green - rare
091 of 162 MAJOR OFFENSIVE - action - green - rare
092 of 162 PLAGUEBEARER - character - green - rare
093 of 162 WYLAND - character - green - rare
094 of 162 PLAGUE SWARMS - character - green - rare
095 of 162 EKON - character - green - good - rare
096 of 162 GAMELUS - character - green - rare
097 of 162 PHYLA - character - green - good - rare
098 of 162 RAZORFLIES - character - green - rare
099 of 162 SAND WORMS - character - green - rare
100 of 162 STRENGTH IN NUMBERS - combat - green - rare
101 of 162 VIRUS CARRIERS - combat - green - rare
102 of 162 WYLAND'S COCKTAIL SURPRISE - combat - green - rare
103 of 162 DID YOU HEAR SOMETHING? - action - blue - common
104 of 162 STASIS FIELD - action - blue - common
105 of 162 COUNCILOR MARIAH MAKES PLANS - action - blue - common
106 of 162 HEMLOCKE PUTS HIS FOOT DOWN - action - blue - evil - common
107 of 162 CARNIVOROUS PLANT - character - blue - common
108 of 162 AUTOMATED DEFENSES - character - blue - evil - common
109 of 162 GROUNDPOUNDERS - character - blue - common
110 of 162 TRAINING CADRE - character - blue - common
111 of 162 FORWARD COMMAND POINT - character - blue - common
112 of 162 COLONIAL SCOUTS - character - blue - common
113 of 162 HEMLOCKE'S INVESTIGATORS - character - blue - evil - common
114 of 162 COUNCILOR MARIAH'S GUARD - character - blue - common
115 of 162 ANGELAN COMMANDER - character - blue - common
116 of 162 MOBILE SECTOR HQ - character - blue - common
117 of 162 COLONIAL HULKBUSTERS - character - blue - evil - common
118 of 162 SUBDUE - combat - blue - common
119 of 162 ARTILLERY SUPPORT - combat - blue - common
120 of 162 AMBUSH TACTICS - combat - blue - common
121 of 162 DECOY - action - blue - evil - uncommon
122 of 162 TACTICAL DATABASE - action - blue - uncommon
123 of 162 OUTMANEUVER - action - blue - uncommon
124 of 162 DELAYING TACTIC - action - blue - uncommon
125 of 162 CRONUS PLANNED AHEAD - action - blue - evil - uncommon
126 of 162 CRONUS CONSULTS THE ORACLE - action - blue - evil - uncommon
127 of 162 ELECTRIC BARRIER - character - blue - uncommon
128 of 162 SENSOR STATION - character - blue - evil - uncommon
129 of 162 MEDICUS'S LAB WORKERS - character - blue - evil - uncommon
130 of 162 ARMORED TRANSPORT - character - blue - uncommon
131 of 162 HEMLOCKE'S SECRET POLICE - character - blue - evil - uncommon
132 of 162 PHALANX PROVIDES SUPPRESSION FIRE - combat - blue - uncommon
133 of 162 LUCKY STRIKE - combat - blue - uncommon
134 of 162 FLANK ATTACK - combat - blue - uncommon
135 of 162 FACADE - combat - blue - uncommon
136 of 162 COUNCILOR MARIAH TRACKS HER ASSETS - action - blue - rare
137 of 162 NEMESIS SPOTS A WEAKNESS - action - blue - evil - rare
138 of 162 PHALANX'S IMAGES RUN INTERFERENCE - action - blue - rare
139 of 162 THE OUTCASTS TAKE POINT - action - blue - rare
140 of 162 EKON'S INTELLIGENCE NET - action - blue - good - rare
141 of 162 INDISCRIMINATE TERRORISM - action - blue - evil - rare
142 of 162 WRATH OF HEMLOCKE - action - blue - evil - rare
143 of 162 COUNCILOR MARIAH'S INFLUENCE - action - blue - rare
144 of 162 ADDED INCENTIVES - action - blue - rare
145 of 162 ANGELAN SEERS - character - blue - good - rare
146 of 162 THE OUTCASTS - character - blue - rare
147 of 162 ANGELAN HULKBUSTERS - character - blue - rare
148 of 162 HEMLOCKE - character - blue - evil - rare
149 of 162 MEDICUS - character - blue - evil - rare
150 of 162 COUNCILOR MARIAH - character - blue - rare
151 of 162 MEDICUS PATCHES THEM UP - combat - blue - evil - rare
152 of 162 MUTUAL ENEMY - combat - blue - rare
153 of 162 TRAP! - combat - blue - rare
154 of 162 WEAPONS FACTORY - resource - red - common
155 of 162 HYPERSHOCK BARRACKS - resource - red - common
157 of 162 BIOLOGY LAB - resource - green - common
158 of 162 BREEDING CHMANBER - resource - green - common
159 of 162 SURGERY ROOM- resource - green - common
160 of 162 THE ORACLE- resource - blue - common
161 of 162 ANGELAN WAR ROOM - resource - blue - common
162 of 162 COUNCIL CHAMBER - resource - blue - common


!!! WARTO !!!



Jeżeli mają Państwo jakiekolwiek pytania / sugestie dotyczące naszej oferty - odpowiemy jak najszybciej - pawel_[zasłonięte]@o2.pl

Koszty wysylki:

Przy wplacie z gory na konto 0,00 zł lub za pobraniem ( przy odbiorze ) 15,00 zl

Każda przesyłka nadawana jest jako polecona i priorytetowa w bezpiecznym opakowaniu !!!

Jeżeli wpłacasz na konto - czas oczekiwania na przesyłkę od momentu wpłynięcia pieniędzy wynosi maksymalnie 48 godzin, jeżeli płacisz przy odbiorze listonoszowi - maksymalnie 36 godzin !!!

Nikt inny nie dostarczy Ci kart w tak szybkim czasie !!!

Zapraszam na inne moje aukcje :-)