Table of
Contents :
Sample Chapter :
This book is vital to understand
newly introduced in
C++11 with the help of
practical examples illustrating
customizations and
correctness with deep insight into internals with
primary focus on
effective usage. This book can
be read by anyone having some experience in any higher
level programming. Beginners in C++ will be able to
learn basic concepts of C++11 algorithms with practical
examples. Intermediate programmers in C++ will learn
foundational aspect of C++11 algorithms in a pragmatic
way. Expert programmers(aka C++ hackers) can enjoy
interesting variations leading to future of C++11
algorithms(aka C++1y), Boost and beyond.
Algorithms This book(
Volume 1)
illustrates following algorithms:
- Numeric Algorithms
- Simulating for-loop iteration with iota
- Customizing iota
- Return Type of iota
- Compile Time iota
- Interesting variations of iota
- Quantifier Algorithms
- Universal Quantifier(Predicate Satisfiability
For All)
- Non-Existential Quantifier(Predicate
Satisfiability For None)
- Existential Quantifier(Predicate
Satisfiability For Some)
- Unique Quantifier(Predicate Satisfiability
For One)
- Partition Algorithms
- Predicate Based Rearrangements
- Partition Structure Validation
- Bisection Algorithm
- Group Partitions
Recommended Approach
Though this book can be read without reference to
any other source, still we recommend our readers to keep
a copy of the famous book
The C++ Standard
Library, Second Edition : A Tutorial and Reference by
Nicolai M. Josuttis handy for gentle introduction to
C++11 algorithms followed by diving into respective
sections of our book for detailed information.
In-depth treatment of foundational aspect of C++11
algorithms is covered in another book published by us
Foundation of Algorithms in C++11, Volume 1(Third
Edition) : Using and Extending C++11, Boost and