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Business English Magazine język angielski nauka

26-09-2014, 8:32
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Wydawnictwo Colorful Media poleca:
Magazyn Business English Magazine

Business English Magazine
to jedyny magazyn na polskim rynku, dzięki któremu poznasz język angielski biznesowy. Powstaje przy współpracy polsko-brytyjskiego zespołu i jest biznesowym magazynem dla polskojęzycznych czytelników.

Business English Magazine zawiera polskie słownictwo do anglojęzycznych artykułów. Wybrane artykuły można odsłuchać online
w formacie MP3 dostępnych za pośrednictwem kodów podanych
w czasopiśmie. Przekonaj się sam, że angielski w biznesie nie jest taki trudny.

Magazyn jest nowy, prosto od wydawcy!

Do wyboru następujące numery:

numer 28/2012

in brief

Harmful on the Home Front

Remembering to Relax

All Rosy on the Apple Tree


Poland in the Center of Attention http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif


Mr. Euro and Super Mario

Managing Music Sales http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif


Buying Democracy http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

The Rebuilding of a Brand

Dragon Babies: Good for Business http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Entrepreneurs of Necessity

Sending Cash Home http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business profile

Clarkson – Motormouth in Top Gear http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Marcia Kilgore

business lifestyles

The Big Budget Items http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Is Your Job a Thankless Task? http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

small business

The Seven Deadly Sins of New Business Start-ups http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business skills

Four-Day Working Week http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Tracking Down Tech Support

Candidates are Key http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

managing people

Skills Workshop – How to be a Positive Role Model

Short and Tall Tales – Email Ban

The Guru Review – Dale Carnegie

Why Does Everybody Hate HR?

Room 101 – Negative Profit


The Next Generation of Motorcycles http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

All Change at Yahoo

business language

The Amazing Adventures of Billy Bull

Language Test

readers' corner

Disinterested Team Workers

+ dodatek: Legal English

numer 29/2012

in brief

Sound Wave Wonders

North American Brewery Branches Out


The Warsaw Stock Exchange – From a Toddler

to a Strong Mann


Srdačno čestitam Hrvatska!

Orbán's New Dea


Colonial Role Reversal http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Crackdown in China http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Murdoch Ups and Downs http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business profile

The Thatcher Legacy


Buffett’s Best Bets http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Groupon: Double Trouble http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business lifestyles

The Price of Fantasy Sports http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

How the Fairer Sex Fare

World of Counterfeit Winehttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Wi-Fi Help for the Homeless http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

small business

Learning to Let Go http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

managing people

The Guru Review: Tom Peters

MBTI – Good Sense or Nonsense?

Skills Workshop – Managing Internal Politics

Room 101 – Networking

George’s Short and Tall Tales:Risky Depression


Dark Side of the Internet http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

A Handy New Device http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

E-reader Memory Effects http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business language

The Amazing Adventures of Billy Bull

Language Test

readers' corner

Stuck in a Rut


numer 37/2013
(wrzesień/październik 2013)

in brief

China’s New Milk Market

Business in the Blood?


Oilseed Production in Poland http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif


French Restaurants Under Fire

Minsk City: China’s Entrance to the EUhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

The Cost of Living: a Time Bomb
Ticking for Us All?

New York City FC – MLS’s New Superclub?http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business profile

Gloomberg or Boomberg?http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business lifestyles

Negative Effects of Emails

Job Contacts for Ex-convictshttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

bizarre business

Eat it! A Surprising Sport

business woman

Indiana Angela and the Temple of Burberryhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Women in the News – Double Fault

The Working Woman’s Wardrobe

business skills

Imagination – The Key to Financial



The Rise of Qatar

Stateside Net Betshttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

managing people

Guru Review: Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Corporate Social Responsibility – Hot Topic or Hot Air? http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Business Talk: Agreeing and Disagreeing

Skills Workshop: Working Memory http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

George’s Short and Tall Tales: A Pythonesque Dispute


Time to Turn Off Technology

Using Cleanweb to Power a Green Revolution http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Anyone for a Nerd?http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business language

Language Test

Billy Bull: The Final Assault

readers’ corner

Ask George: Family Man’s Dilemma

+ dodatek: Small Talk

numer 40/2014
(wrzesień/kwiecień 2014)

in brief

A Shift in Power

The Zuckerberg Files


Incentive Travel in Poland http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif



2014 Trending

Bollywood Is Booming! http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Emerald Isle – the New Silicon Valley? http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Investing in Iraq

Fiat Goes Shopping http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Amazonian Workers http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Ukraine Descends into Chaotic Violence

Pussy Riot – Women in Protest

cover story

Vladimir Putin: “He-Man” of Russia http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business profile

Kalashnikov – a Mixed Legacy http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Vincent Tan – a Tale of Bluebirds and Red Dragons


Celebrity Scents Make a Lot of Cents http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

managing people

Guru Review: Henry Mintzberg http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Skills Workshop: Invisible Coaching http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

George’s Short and Tall Tales: Bad PR


Technology Buffs http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Highway Robbery http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business language

Language Test

Monika and the Disputed Rescue

readers corner

Letter to BEM

+ dodatek: The Vocabulary of Politics

numer 41/2014
(maj/czerwiec 2014)

in brief

Battle of the Vodkas

Tracker Time


Poland’s Gender Warhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif


Africa’s Economic Lionhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

cover story

Harassment in the Workplace: Still a Serious Problemhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business woman

Amy Pascal – Hollywood's Most Powerful Womanhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business profile

Brian Souter’s One-way Ticket to Successhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Thank God it’s Friday!http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif


Bad Times for AOL Babies

business trends

Building a Lego Moviehttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

The New Rise of Records

Is the Party Over for LinkedIn?http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

managing people

Guru Review: Clayton Christensenhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

To Micro- or Macromanage – That Is the Questionhttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

Skills Workshop: Decision-makinghttp://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

George’s Short and Tall Tales: Fiddling the Figures


Taobao: China’s Online Store

Ever Considered Crowdsourcing?http://emusa.colorfulmedia.pl/nagranie_mp3.gif

business language

Language Test

Mighty Monika: A Radical Solution

readers corner

Letter to BEM

+ dodatek: Polite and Diplomatic Language

numer 42/2014
(lipiec/sierpień 2014)

in brief

Greatest Corporate Get-together

Programmes for Pooches


Export Six Appeal

Who Owns Scotland?

A Tiffin Revolution

Garment Industry Improvements in Bangladesh

cover story

To Haven or Have Not?

business profile

The Bubble Tea Company Bursting with New Ideas

business woman

Lady Gaga – Not so Gaga

business trends

Why Celebrity Chefs Never Go Hungry

E-books Versus P-books

Waking Up at Work


Rich List – 1914

managing people

Guru Review: Seth Godin

The Gamification of Learning

Managing a Mobile Workforce

George’s Short and Tall Tales: An Unlikely European Marriage


Go West – The Pleasures of Portugal


Android Dreams

business language

Language Test

Mighty Monika: Silence Is Golden

readers corner

Letter to BEM

+ DODATEK: Most Popular Business Terms, Phrases and Abbreviations