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Burson HA-160DS -wzmacniacz słuchawkowy z DAC-raty

01-07-2012, 7:58
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Burson Audio HA-160DS 
DAC , Wzmacniacz słuchawkowy 
 w pełni tranzystorowa konstrukcja z Australii





Opinie użytkowników i nowości z Burson Audio:




Cena detaliczna 800 euro +23%VAT i cło











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Burson HA-160DS to wariant okrojony modelu HA-160D - wzmacniacz słuchawkowy z DAC-iem.

Burson Audio to konstrukcje z założenia całkowicie zbudowane z elementów dyskretnych.
Nie posiada w ogóle układów zintegrowanych (IC), których przewagą jest niska cena produkcji i implementacji, ale wadą ograniczona, kompromisowa jakość.





HA-160DS , a HA-160D - czym się różnią?


Model HA-160DS jest 16% mniejszy, 35% lżejszy od HA-160D przez uproszczenie obudowy. Nie posiada wyjścia liniowego ani pre-ampa oraz drabinki rezystorowej do regulacji głośności tylko wysokiej klasy potencjometr Alps Blue i znacznie mniejszej mocy transformatowy w zasilaniu. Nie posiada więc 3 funkcji, a 2. Za to jest znacznie tańszy.

Sekcja DACa jest identyczna jak w HA-160D














The HA-160D was built as an all in one machine that fits in anywhere from a desktop audio setup to a full sized stereo system. Since its introduction audiophiles and magazine reviewers everywhere, appreciate it as a benchmark 3 in 1 performer, outgunning its competitors whose prices are much more expensive. Renowned reviewers, and recording artists are using it to assist their creative work and are enjoying its sound everyday.

For headphone audiophiles however, the HA-160D has features that some may never use. Features such as its high end preamp, DAC output and multiple analogue inputs. We also understand that some head-fiers would like it to have a smaller footprint on the desk. Bearing this in mind we have introduced the HA-160DS. It is a streamlined version of HA-160D focused for the desktop head-fiers.






Compared to the HA-160D, the HA-160DS is 16% smaller in footprint and 35% lighter in weight. And with fewer features, it is more affordable. But it is in no way an inferior or focused product. It is simply a focused 2 in 1 machine that has all the performance and refinements expected from Burson Audio.

Its DAC is identical to that inside the HA-160D right down to each component used. The headphone is also identical to the HA-160 which we have been refining since 2009. We have also reduced the number of headphone outputs to one and used the best volume potentiometer we could find to ease control while preserving sonic quality. It is housed in a smaller but precision folded 4 mm aluminium casing that is elegant on any desk and works as a singular heat-sink for the entire machine. This case really puts the conventional 1 mm folded steel case to shame.





BURSON AUDIO - Melbourne , Australia


Jeśli coś jest tworzone z ideałami , pasją i w sposób indywidualny, nie seryjny to efekt końcowy zawsze przewyższy wszystko co jest produkowane masowo i kierowane głównie zyskiem.
Ta prosta zasada sprawdza się w każdziej dziedzinie, od stolarki czy kamieniarstwa po produkcję samochodów i jest z całą pewnością prawdziwa w świecie muzyki, instrumentów i produkcji sprzętu audio. 


When something is designed with ideals and custom made  the old school way, the end result will always surpass anything that is mass produced and profit driven.This simple rule applies to all things,  from  carpentry, and masonry to automobiles, and it is certainly the rule for the world of music and audio design. 





Burson HD Audio DAC

While most of the marketing spin centres on the DAC chip, the output stage is in fact one of the critical stages in any audio DAC design. It is not getting the air time that it deserves because a properly designed output stage is not simple, and the concept is harder to sell to a customer compared to a DAC chip model number. After the digital signal (0s and 1s) is converted by the DAC chip into stereo signals, an important LP (low pass) stage is needed to reconstruct the analogue signal from the rectangular pulses from the DAC output. Any distortion and signal loss during this conversion stage is irreversible. Unfortunately, due to the lack of customer awareness of the output stage, this is where most audio companies cut their costs, and it is common to see an output stage designed around a cheap IC opamp.

The HA-160D has a fully discrete output stage that is independently powered. It has a high slew rate and fast recovery time, operating in pure Class A the HD Audio DAC ensures the highest level of signal preservation. The result is higher resolution audio playback, with a completely transparent sonic signature consistent with our ideals.



2 letnia gwarancja polskiego dystrybutora
GFmod Audio Research






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Możliwość słuchania muzyki z komputera umożliwia  układ USB zapewniający bezstratną transmisję danych o jakości  24bity 96kHz. Wyposażony jest też w niezależny, precyzyjny zegar i rozbudowane zasilanie. W rezultacie jakość dźwięku najczęściej jest nawet lepsza z USB niż z coaxiala.

Interesująca jest informacja cytowana za inżynierami z Lavry Engineering i Benchmark Media, że większość współczesnych układów przetworników nie pracuje wystarczająco szybko przy transmisji 192kHz.
Owocuje to znacznym wzrostem przypadkowych szumów i niedokładności konwersji w stosunku choćby do próbkowania 96kHz.

"Interestingly, pro-audio firms Benchmark Media and Lavry Engineering have gone on record that most modern DAC chips don't operate fast enough at 192kHz where they suffer significantly higher out-of-band noise than at 96kHz (John Siau of Benchmark cites a whopping 40dB advantage in stopband attenuation for 96kHz operation over 192kHz in fact)."














2 letnia gwarancja polskiego dystrybutora
GFmod Audio Research













 Burson HA-160Ds with AKG Q701 feedback by Tim.

I have the HA-160DS paired with some Q701's with a PC as my source. I auditioned a lot of gear and kept coming back to the 160DS. This combo produces an amazingly transparent, uncoloured sound. As with HiFi gear, I like pure, transparent sounding speakers with no exaggerated frequencies, and get the warmth I enjoy from the amp and DAC combo. The Q701's punch well above their weight and pair nicely with the 160DS. Moving up in price the DS is simply gorgeous paired with LCD-2's or HD80...

 Burson HA-160Ds & Sennheiser HD800 feedback by Christian E.

Enclosed a photo from an HA-160DS that made it all the way to Germany. Looks like a perfect fit to me. Unbelievable, how much sound you can extract from a 256 kbit-mp3 file (paired with an HD 800). I also like the small footprint and portability that comes with that, so I can easily schlep it over to the stereo for the full-blown CD-sound (Rotel RCD-1072). Christian E.

 Burson HA-160Ds & Sennheiser HD650 feedback by Sherman S.

I've been enjoying it with my HD650's since. Pairing it with the HD650 gives extended lows, lush mids and sparkly highs. It seems like the HA-160DS was made for the HD650! Sherman S.

 Burson HA-160Ds with HD800 feedback by Grant H.

I've attached a picture of my listening setup ;) Grant.

 Burson HA-160Ds with Denon D2000 feedback by Adam H.

I have only been using the 160DS for a day, and I am already in love. The sound it produces is so smooth and powerful. I am not getting any work done; I am just going from artist to artist, experiencing how the amp affects music I thought I had known. The build quality is ridiculous. It's like you magically extruded each device out of Thor's Hammer. Awesome work, guys - thanks. Adam H.

 Burson HA-160DS with Denon AH-D1001 and D5000


"The only thing i can says is altough the Amp/Dac is brand new its like i upgraded to a more expensive pair of headphone everything is cleaner and bass is under control compared to my essence stx soundcard its great thanks for this wonderful piece of technology . Took quite a bit of researh before i decided to buy a Burson and you know what, i made and excellent choice. Thanks a lot"... Michel

 Burson HA-160Ds with Beyer DT880, AKG 702 & Yuin OK1 feedback by Peter.

My bedside Burson HA-160DS and Foobar Netbook setup. Sometimes I enjoy it with my Beyer DT880 600 ohm, other times with my AKG 702. But mainly I love it for falling asleep with my 150 ohm Yuin OK1 earbuds in my ears and my head on the pillow. I'm a happy customer. Peter.














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