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Burns: History of Ostrogoths Ostrogoci barbarzyńcy

20-02-2015, 19:08
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Koniec: 20-02-2015 18:49:10

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1984
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Thomas S. Bums


Indiana University Press 1984

Stron XVIII+299, format: 16x24 cm

Książka używana: bez defektów

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Combining the latest archaeological find­ings with information from traditional literary sources, Thomas S. Burns presents the first modern portrait of the Ostrogoths from their initial contacts with the Roman world in the third century through the dis­solution of their kingdom in Italy in 554.

Placing the Ostrogoths in a European so­cial and historical perspective, Burns begins his story in the centuries before the final invasions of Rome. He introduces the reader to early Ostrogothic tribal, pagan society, and reveals the interactions be­tween these barbarians and the Roman Em­pire. He analyzes the imperatives that led the Ostrogoths to expand and conquer the lands east of the Dniester River and the lower Danube and to establish the Ostro­gothic kingdom of Italy.

Burns maintains that Roman-Ostro-gothic relations and exchanges played a most important role in the metamor­phosis, rise, and fall of Ostrogothic society. He analyzes the impact of kingship as it in­truded into the fabric of local loyalties and influenced the Ostrogoths' confrontation and coexistence with the Roman Empire. He illuminates how Theodoric, the king of the Ostrogoths, devoted his reign to craft­ing a special place for his people and dynasty in a Roman-dominated world and shows that although they came onto Roman soil in Italy as conquerors, the Ostrogoths remained in many ways ijnmigrants struggling to adapt to their new homeland and position in the world without losing their tribal identity. Theodoric was adept at balancing these two cultures and initiated a program of controlled assimilation of Ger­mans into Roman society. Burns dissects this process, revealing the surprising re­sidual power of the Ostrogoths' tribal and

pagan origins in the face of Roman law, government, civilization, and Christianity, and the affects of this assimilation on Os­trogothic religion, military organization, society, leadership, and daily life (crafts, arts, clothing, diet, agriculture). Much of the early success of the Ostrogoths rested on their ability to build on their own tra­ditions and yet absorb and accept certain Roman organizational and support systems. This flexibility and adaptability enabled the Ostrogoths, particularly Theodoric the Great, to lead barbarian Europe for almost half a century and to shape the coming Middle Ages.

According to Historian Walter E. Kaegi, "This is a very good book. ... I know of no comparable study published or unpub­lished. . . . the author has succeeded in completing a major work of synthesis very well. . . . the book should be the standard in English for many years."




preface XI

introduction Xlii

abbreviations xvii


1. Rome and the Northern Barbarians i

2. The Presettlement Phase 18

3. Bondage and Struggle 39

4. Theodoric's Kingdom Surveyed 67

5. The Metamorphosis of Ostrogothic Society 108

6. Religion 143

7. Leadership and Government 163

8. Warriors and the Military System 184

9. The End of the Ostrogothic Kingdom 202

Epilogue 216


notes 221

bibliography 259

index 291

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