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Bunker Archeology Virilio Paul

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Bunker ArcheologyAutor: Virilio PaulJęzyk książki: engOprawa: miękka Data wydania: 2009Wydawca: Princeton Architectural PIlość stron: 216Numer Wydania: 2EAN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]89801

Bunker Archeology

Autor: Virilio Paul
Język książki: eng
Oprawa: miękka
Data wydania: 2009
Wydawca: Princeton Architectural P
Ilość stron: 216
Numer Wydania: 2
EAN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]89801

In "Bunker Archeology", urban philosopher and cultural theorist Paul Virilio turns his attention to the ominous yet strangely compelling German bunkers from WW II that lie abandoned on the coast of France. These ghostly reminders of destruction and oppression prompt Virilio to consider the nature of war and existence, in relation to both the Second World War and contemporary times. The author's haunting photographs are accompanied by his analysis of the architecture of war in both philosophical and concrete terms. Virilio discusses fortresses and military space in general and the bunkers themselves, including facsimiles of original military maps and extracts from Hitler's "Directives of War."

Bunker Archaeology
Bunker Archaeology
Bunker Archaeology
Bunker Archaeology

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]014-12 00:17
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