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Build a Profitable Online Business: The No-Nonsense Guide




Author: Mikael Olsson
Language: English
Publisher: APRESS
Publication Date: 23 Oct 2013
Dimensions: 1 x 15 x 22.6 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 14CAB6C792



Build a Profitable Online Business: The No Nonsense Guide is a highly condensed step-by-step guide on how to build and run profitable websites. Serial web entrepreneur Mikael Olsson gives you in a nutshell all the tools, tips, and savvy you’ll need to create and operate online businesses that will automatically generate streams of effortless income for you.

You won’t find any technical jargon, drawn-out lessons, or feel-good fluff in this book. What you will find is an expert guide that pulls no punches in serving up the clean hits of hard information that any web entrepreneur needs to succeed at all aspects of an online business: website construction, SEO, marketing, monetization, and conversion.

What you’ll learn

From Build a Profitable Online Business you’ll learn: 

  • How to strategize, design, start up, and operate your own online business.
  • How to build a professional-quality website with minimal outlay. 
  • How to attract visitors to your website and make them come back for more. 
  • How to monetize your website in 5 different ways. 
  • How to automate your websites to produce constant streams of passive income.


Who this book is for

The primary audience for this book is individual entrepreneurs who want to create successful web businesses with the least expenditure of time and money and run them as automated engines of passive income. The secondary audience is small companies, to which the strategies and techniques presented in the book apply equally well.

This is not a book for people to program or use tools to build a website, so the audience is spared skipping through material that will not be helpful, or is redundant, or not at the correct level for them.




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