A Buddhist interpretation of Western history
that shows civilization shaped by the self's desire for
groundedness. Buddhism teaches that to become
happy, greed, ill-will, and delusion must be transformed
into their positive counterparts: generosity,
compassion, and wisdom. The history of the West, like
all histories, has been plagued by the consequences of
greed, ill-will, and delusion. A Buddhist History of
the West investigates how individuals have tried to
ground themselves to make themselves feel more real. To
be self-conscious is to experience ungroundedness as a
sense of lack, but what is lacking has been understood
differently in different historical periods. Author
David R. Loy examines how the understanding of lack
changes at historical junctures and shows how those
junctures were so crucial in the development of the
West. “A polymath’s tour through intellectual and
social history, David Loy’s Buddhist retelling goes far
in revealing the historically conditioned limitations of
many dominant Western terms, metaphors, and assumptions.
By reinterpreting greed, ill will, and delusion as
structural rather than personal problems, Loy offers a
compassionate account of ways that we make ourselves
unhappy and a trenchant critique of market capitalism’s
manipulation of these habits of mind.” — The Journal
of Asian Studies “…his study of European history
from what he calls the perspective of lack reveals
astonishing yet previously barely highlighted insights
into European thought … Loy’s book is filled with
observations and indictments of common myths that are
not only provocative in nature but sure to challenge
many of the presuppositions that the proponents of the
so-called Western World hold dear.” — Philosophy East
& West “This book expands the dialog,
enlarges the vocabulary, takes instruction from other
cultural traditions, and throws light on our own
Occidental problems. I like its clarity in a territory
that is of critical importance and is intrinsically
difficult. The book has to do with ways of coming to a
better understanding of civilization, history, politics,
and our own human psyches, and how it is that certain
sets of problems—war and exploitation among them—keep
arising. David Loy is opening up new territory that is
of great value. He is a very exciting thinker.” — Gary
Snyder, author of The Gary Snyder Reader: Prose,
Poetry, and Translations, 1952–1998