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Bruce Stark TO THE WINTER SUN Hiroyuki Odagiri

24-01-2012, 12:18
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Cena kup teraz: 69 zł     
Użytkownik koszur
numer aukcji: 2006952268
Miejscowość Szczecin
Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 18-01-2012 00:15:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
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Bruce Stark
To the Winter Sun
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 1 CD  MaRecordings 69
  Opis albumu

>>> Większa okładka A <<<

A collection of original chamber music compositions by Julliard composer and pianist Bruce Stark. Pieces include Bruce's "String Quartet no. 1," duets for piano and viola, piano and horn, piano and trombone, and piano and tuba Additionally, there are a second short string quartet piece, and the finale, a moving work for 9 piece ensemble. Recorded (of course) with only 2 microphones at the Harmony Hall in Matsumoto, Japan.

1. Romance, for string quartet >>> MP3 <<<
2. Hush, for string quartet >>> MP3 <<<
3. The Moon and I, for piano >>> MP3 <<<
4. String Quartet No. 1 >>> MP3 <<<
5. String Quartet No. 1 >>> MP3 <<<
6. String Quartet No. 1
7. Lament, for horn
8. Song of the Whale, for tuba & piano
9. Bone Tones, for trombone & piano
10. Hymns, for horn, trumbone, tuba & string quartet
Bruce Stark - piano
Hiroyuki Odagiri