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Happy Motheres -specjalizuje sie w sprzedazy produktow dla dzieci i niemowlat od ponad 10 lat.
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Britax Frontier 85 SICT Booster Seat
wybierz kolor obicia
Fotelik przechodzil testy crash test, i otrzymywal najwyzsze notowania

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Jest w gronie najlepszych fotelikow według Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Wykonany z dbaloscia o szczegoly, dostosowane najbardziej zaangazowane technologie, aby jak najdluzej dziecko bylo zapinane pieciopunktowmi pasami,
Opisy produktu w j.angielskim oraz polskim juz wkrotce
Kontakt mailowy-napisz [zasłonięte]@live.com
Zawsze chetnie odpowiemy na wszystkie pytania (zaznacz w korespondencji numer aukcji).

przystosowany do przewożenia
- przodem do kierunku jazdy w foteliku z użyciem pasów wewnętrznych dzieci w wieku powyżej 2 lat (11-38,5 kg, 76-145 cm wzrostu)
- jako booster: od 18 do 55,5 kg (107-165 cm wzrostu)
wzmocniona konstrukcja
opatentowany, unikalny system amortyzujący i stabilizujący w przypadku uderzenia (EPS)
5-punktowe pasy wewnętrzne z ochraniaczami
wygodne podłokietniki
sposób instalacji w samochodzie: za pomocą systemu system ISOFIX (SuperLatch) lub przy użyciu pasów znajdujących się w samochodzie
można stosować zarówno w samochodach bez mocowania Isofix jak i w autach wyposażonych w system mocowania ISOFIX lub amerykański system LATCH
"rośnie" wraz dzieckiem - posiada wielostopniową regulację wysokości pasów
regulowana wysokość zagłówka - zakres regulacji zapewnia bezpieczne podróżowanie dzieciom do 165 cm wzrostu
2 uchwyty na kubki lub przekąski
łatwy w transporcie i przechowywaniu - składany
Product Features
Designed with advanced technology to keep children protected and in a five-point harness for as long as possible, the FRONTIER 85 SICT Combination Harness-2-Booster Seat helps safely graduate children who are at least two years old and weigh at least 25 pounds from their convertible car seats. By removing the harness, the FRONTIER 85 SICT is easily converted to a booster seat for older children who are at least 4 years old and 40 pounds.
The FRONTIER 85 SICT has all the safety, comfort, and ease-of-use features that the FRONTIER 85 has to offer. In addition, this seat is equipped with Side Impact Cushion Technology (SICT) for advanced side impact protection, and an Easy-Remove Cover that can be removed for cleaning without disassembling the harness or uninstalling the seat from your vehicle.
Product Features
Side Impact Cushion Technology features energy-absorbing cushions on the exterior of the child seat to reduce side impact crash energy by 45% by diverting crash forces away from your child and providing extra protection for the adjacent passenger
True Side Impact Protection offers a head restraint creating an extra layer of energy-absorbing foam, keeping the head, neck and spine “in true” or aligned, and deep side walls lined with energy-absorbing foam to distribute crash forces, shield from vehicle intrusion, and contain the head, neck and body
85-pound Five-Point Harness Seat Capacity allows your child to remain harnessed up to 85 lbs or in booster mode to 120 lbs
- Energy-Absorbing Versa-Tether® features a staged-release tether webbing to slow the forward movement, reducing the crash forces reaching the child, and a two-point attachment to minimize forward rotation while anchoring the top of the child seat
- Tangle Free, Five-Point Harness with 10 harness height positions (up to 20") and three buckle positions for a snug and secure fit as your child grows
- Harness Ultra Guard System (HUGS™) provides resistance to forward movement in the event of a crash
- Compatible with SecureGuard which works with the vehicle safety belt in booster mode to prevent the child from sliding under the lap-belt portion of the safety belt during impact, thus minimizing the risk of abdominal injury (accessory sold separately)
- Energy-Absorbing Foam Liner (EPS) absorbs and distributes crash forces
- Energy-Absorbing Base deforms in the event of a crash to absorb impact forces
- High Density Comfort Foam provides an extra layer of padding to gently cushion your child
- Easy-Remove Cover allows easy cleaning without disassembling or uninstalling the car seat
- Armrests help provide a secure fit and a comfortable place to rest tired arms
- Quick-Adjust, No-Rethread Harness repositions the harness shoulder height without disassembling the harness straps
- Premium Lower LATCH Connectors for a quick and simple installation featuring a push button for easy release
- Color-Coded Vehicle Belt Guides indicate the path and positioning of the vehicle lap and shoulder seat belt
- Integrated Cup Holders are designed to fit common beverages such as 20 oz reusable water bottles
- Harness-2-Booster converts to a belt-positioning booster seat
- Certified for Aircraft Travel in Harness Mode
- Made in the USA with global components
Fit Chart:
Weight (lbs) |
Height (in) |
Seated Shoulder Height (in) |
Forward Facing: |
2 years & 25, up to 85 |
30 - 57 |
12 - 20 |
Booster |
40 - 120 |
42 - 65 |
13.5 - 24.5 |
dla dzeci od 11- do 5 5,5 kg
Child Weight (lbs) |
Forward Facing Harness: 2 years & 25, up to 85 Booster: 40 - 120 |
Child Standing Height (in) |
Forward Facing Harness: 30 - 57 Booster: 42 - 65 |
Child Seated Shoulder Height (in) |
Forward Facing Harness: 12 - 20 Booster: 13.5 - 24.5 |
Product Weight (lbs) |
22 |
Product Dimensions Harness Minimum (in) |
23.5W x 23H x 27D |
Product Dimensions Harness Maximum (in) |
23.5W x 29H x 27.5D |
Product Dimensions Booster Minimum (in) |
23.5W x 27.5H x 20D |
Product Dimensions Booster Maximum (in) |
23.5W x 36H x 20D |
Seating Compartment Height (in) |
24 |
Seat Area Depth / Width (in) |
13.5 / 11.5 |
Shoulder Width (in) |
15.5 |
Harness Slot Heights (in) |
12.25 / 13.1 / 14 / 14.9 / 15.75 / 16.5 / 17.4 / 18.25 / 19.1 / 20 |
Buckle Strap Depths (in) |
5.5 / 7.0 / 8.25 |
zdjecia powyzej
Tapicerke myj uzywajac letniej wody.Nie susz w suszarce. Mozna prac w pralce tapicerke, ale w bardzo niskiej temperaturze. Nie uzywaj chloru.Do mycia ramy uzywaj letniej wody i mydla. Zawsze sprawdz instrukcje obslugi i zapoznaj sie jak dbac prawidlowo o produkt rzed uzywaniem.
Towar wysylany jest w ciagu dwoch dni od zaksiegowania wplaty firma kurierska pod wskazany adres.
Droga lotnicza do 14 dni- pytaj o cene @ [zasłonięte]@happymothers.us
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