BOTSWANA - ZIMBABWEmapa w skali 1:1 500 000 kandyjskiego wydawnictwa ITMB Publishing
ITMB Publishing (International Travel Maps and Books) producentem map i atlasów krajów i regionów całego świata. Specjalizującą się w Afryce, Azji, Kanadzie, Karaibach, Europie, Bliskim Wschodzie i Ameryce Łacińskiej.
ITMB wydało juz ponad 425 pozycji kartograficznych i stale pracuje nad nowymi wydając rocznie około 30 nowych tytułów.

This is the fifth time that ITMB have updated and re-issued their travel map of Botswana. Updating is necessary, not only to record new information, but to keep the artwork compliant with current software. As computers become more refined, they are able to finesse maps more readily to make things more readable or to add new features.
ITMB visited Botswana about two years ago, and have fond memories of a Bushman encampment near Maun, dancing with an extremely short lady with an enormous bottom, of almost running out of petrol because the station at Ghanzi was dry, and of a majestic male kudu antelope crashing out of the bush onto the roadway mere seconds before they were to cross that same patch of land. The animal leaped into the air and disappeared somewhere on the other side of the track. This all happened in an instance, but is one of the reasons Africa is so enjoyable.
The other change to this map is that they have added Zimbabwe to the reverse side, to make the map more useful to users combining a trip to Botswana with a visit to ravaged Zimbabwe. They will continue to sell their map of Zimbabwe as a separate title.
The map includes insets showing excellent enlargements of Central Gaborone, Central Harare, Central Bulawayo, Victoria Falls and Great Zimbabwe. The insets clearly indicate important buildings, place of interest and hotels.
The map is printed on paper and on both sides with topography shown using altitude shading and a few spot heights. There is also an extensive index of places.