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BOSTON LEGAL(SEASONS 1-5) (25 DVD): James Spader

27-01-2014, 3:59
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Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 27-01-2014 04:00:20

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Stan: Nowy
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Tytuł oryginalny: BOSTON LEGAL (THE COMPLETE SEASONS 1-5) (25 DVD) 

Obsada: James Spader, Julie Bowen, Rene Auberjonois, Candice Bergen, Christian Clemenson

Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski
Napisy: brak polskich, angielskie, "skandynawskie"




Created by TV genius David E. Kelley and led by an Emmy Award-winning cast, Boston Legal tells the professional and personal stories of a group of brilliant but often emotionally challenged attorneys. Fast-paced and darkly comedic, the series confronts social and moral issues, while its characters continually stretch the boundaries of the law.

This set includes every episode from the first 5 seasons!

Episodes Comprise:

Season 1

1. Head Cases
2. Still Crazy After All These Years
3. Catch And Release
4. Change Of Course
5. An Eye For An Eye
6. Truth Be Told
7. Questionable Characters
8. Loose Lips
9. A Greater Good
10. Hired Guns
11. Schmidt Happens
12. From Whence We Came
13. It Girls And Beyond
14. Til We Meat Again
15. Tortured Souls
16. Let Sales Ring
17. Death Be Not Proud

Season 2

1. The Black Widow
2. Schadenfreude
3. Finding Nimmo
4. A Whiff and a Prayer
5. Men to Boys
6. Witches of Mass Destruction
7. Truly, Madly, Deeply
8. The Ass Fat Jungle
9. Gone
10. Legal Deficits
11. The Cancer Man Can
12. Helping Hands
13. Too Much Information
14. Breast in Show
15. Smile
16. Live Big
17. ...There's Fire!
18. Shock and Owww!
19. Stick It
20. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
21. Word Salad Days
22. Ivan the Incorrigible
23. Race Ipsa
24. Deep End of the Poole
25. Squid Pro Quo
26. Spring Fever
27. BL: Los Angeles

Season 3

1. Can't We All Get a Lung?
2. New Kids on the Block
3. Desperately Seeking Shirley
4. Fine Young Cannibal
5. Whose God Is It Anyway?
6. The Verdict
7. Trick or Treat
8. Lincoln: Part 1
9. On the Ledge: Part 2
10. The Nutcrackers
11. Angel of Death
12. Nuts
13. Dumping Bella
14. Selling Sickness
15. Fat Burner
16. The Good Lawyer
17. The Bride Wore Blood
18. Son of the Defender
19. Brotherly Love
20. Guise 'n Dolls
21. Tea and Sympathy
22. Guantanamo by the Bay
23. Duck and Cover
24. Trial of the Century

Season 4

1. Beauty And The Beast
2. The Innocent Man
3. The Chicken And The Leg
4. Do Tell
5. Hope And Gory
6. The Object Of My Affection
7. Attack Of The Xenophobes
8. Oral Contracts
9. No Brains Left Behind
10. Green Christmas
11. Mad About You
12. Roe v. Wade, The Musical
13. Glow In The Dark
14. Rescue Me
15. Tabloid Nation
16. The Mighty Rogues
17. The Court Supreme
18. Indecent Proposals
19. The Gods Must Be Crazy
20. Patriot Acts

Season 5

1. Smoke Signals
2. Guardians and Gatekeepers
3. Dances with Wolves
4. True Love
5. The Bad Seed
6. Happy Trails
7. Mad Cows
8. Roe
9. Kill, Baby, Kill!
10. Thanksgiving
11. Juiced
12. Made in China
13. Last Call