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Born to be Worthless: The Hidden Power of Low Self-Esteem




Author: Kevin Solomons
Language: English
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: 9 May 2013
Dimensions: 1.1 x 15 x 22.5 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 206
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 14D114A71X



With new studies revealing that self-affirmation expressions and mantra are not only a thing of the past, but can also do more harm than good for people suffering from low self-esteem, there has never been a more appropriate time to introduce a dramatic new approach to overcoming low self-esteem. By instilling the belief that low self-esteem and emotional pain can be dealt with by understanding its origins, this wonderful new philosophy introduced by Dr. Kevin Solomons guides readers toward education, empowerment, and ultimately, happiness. With this innovative new self-help guide, readers will be able to truly understand the origins of their self-esteem issues so they can finally transcend them. Using concise and easily understandable explanations of complex concepts, Solomons guides readers toward goals by utilizing personal and clinical stories, helpful exercises, and most importantly, the truth behind low self-esteem. Born to be Worthless: The Hidden Power of Low Self-Esteem is an extraordinarily helpful self-help guide that teaches readers the detrimental side of low self-esteem and how to properly fix it. By demonstrating how universal and naturally occurring childhood events directly relate to self-worth, this informative guide explains how it can affect everyone, regardless of their individual circumstances. A fantastic new personal growth guide, Born to be Worthless proves to be a priceless tool in learning to deal with and understand self-esteem. Inspired by a career working with depressed and anxious patients, Born to be Worthless does wonders in benefitting readers everywhere. Written in a simple and straightforward approach, Solomons breaks down complex concepts in a way that the average reader can easily digest. With tremendous influence placed on informing readers, the book ensures that readers understand the complex concepts without having to wade through academic jargon and terminology. By being information-based, Born to be Worthless sets itself apart from the rest of the genre by bypassing the traditional “inspirational” approach in lieu of empowering and educating readers. Furthermore, the guide uses a straight-to-the-point style that gets readers to the heart of the matter and right in the thick of the action relatively quickly. Utilizing personal and case vignettes combined with new original ideas, this invaluable tool truly shines among the rest of the self-help genre. An intimate and serious personal growth guide, Born to be Worthless never loses its approachability. A dramatically different methodology to overcoming self-esteem coupled with an undeniable urge to educate and empower make this fantastic book a truly priceless tool for anyone seeking to further their personal growth.




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