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24-01-2014, 3:27
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Koniec: 24-01-2014 03:36:49

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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane, zazwyczaj zafoliowane.







UWAGA !!! Filmy bez polskich wersji językowych !!!



Tytuł oryginalny: BORGIA (COMPLETE SEASON 1) (4 DVD)

Obsada: John Doman, Isolda Dychauk, Art Malik, Diarmuid Noyes, Mark Ryder, Marta Gastini, Assumpta Serna, Stanley Weber, Christian McKay, Victor Schefé, Andrea Sawatzki, Nicolás Belmonte, Dejan Cukic, Richard Southgate & Miroslav Táborský
Reżyseria: Oliver Hirschbiegel, Dearbhla Walsh, Metin Hüseyin & Christoph Schrewe


Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski
Napisy: brak






The last decade of the 15th Century, the Renaissance, an enlightened era of immense scientific advancements, where intellectual and artistic endeavours changed the world and Europe became the centre of global commerce. It was the time of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and Botticelli.

But amidst the deadly shadows of an archaic and crumbling Rome, extreme violence, depravity and corruption still have a stranglehold on the eternal city. Within this murderous abyss of treachery and death stands the infamous Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (John Doman - The Wire). A ruthless man whose relentless lust for power is about to lead the church and the world into one of the most controversial and darkest chapters in known history.

Created by Tom Fontana (Oz) and directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel (Downfall), Dearbhla Walsh (The Tudors), Metin Hüseyin (Merlin) and Christoph Schrewe, Borgia: Season 1 contains 12 episodes.