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Białek Ewa Danuta - Fibromyalgia

17-07-2014, 8:29
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Koniec: 17-07-2014 08:31:31

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Stan: Nowy
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Białek Ewa Danuta - Fibromyalgia
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]34282
Wymiar: 14.0x20.0cm
Nr wydania: 1
Seria: -
Ilość stron: 106
Ocena: -
Waga: 0,14 kg
Indeks: 618[zasłonięte]02614KS
Rok wydania: 2013
Autor: Białek Ewa Danuta
Wydawca: Instytut Psychosyntezy
Rodzaj okładki: Miękka
Stan: Nowa

Opis książki

Podtytuł: Is there any hope of recovery?
Język oryginału: polski
Tytuł oryginału: Fibromialgia. A jeśli istnieje nadzieja na wyzdrowienie?
Firstly, this is a guide for women over 45 years of age, suffering from one of the diseases, the symptoms of which are difficult to diagnose, and belonging to the group of rheumatic diseases of unknown etiology – fibromyalgia. It is based on a real case, and used complementary methods for supporting holistic (overall) health, It incorporates a broad vision of both the causes (roots of the disease), and effects, and a holistic approach to support what was damaged, neglected and ignored and what is still healthy and full of life.
Secondly, it is a guide for physicians showing a broader perspective of treatment, not just focusing on symptoms but considering the life history of a patient and their psychological problems.
The book both offers hope to improve the quality of life and provides ways to reconnect with the power that heals the root or cause of problems. It also supports readers to make their own decisions and choices concerning their health and disease.
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