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Betrayal in Death, J D Robbs (Nora Roberts)

24-01-2012, 6:31
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Miejscowość Kraków
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Koniec: 23-01-2012 21:55:52

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2009
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
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Betrayal in Death

 J.D. Robb


 Futuristic Romantic Suspense



355 pages,

Part of a series Grade:

When I cracked this book I’d only read three of J.D. Robb’s In Death series, not in order (if you care, they were Glory in Death, Immortal in Death, and Conspiracy in Death). In the interests of full disclosure, I should also tell you that I was very skeptical. What with astonishing rate the author has been cranking these babies out, I fully expected to be underwhelmed by her latest, Betrayal in Death. I soon decided that Betrayal is the best of the four I’ve now read. The In Death books, in case you’re one of the twelve people out there who don’t already know, are police procedurals set in a the near future. They star Eve Dallas, surely one of the most interesting and complex heroines in all of romance fiction. By this twelfth volume, Eve has been married to jillionaire Roarke for about a year, and has more or less become accustomed to it. Then a chambermaid is raped and murdered in Roarke’s deluxe New York hotel. It quickly becomes clear that the murder, although singularly brutal, was a professional hit, and since no one would pay to murder a nice young girl like Darlene French, it seems that the real motive behind the crime was to upset Roarke. It works.

Ksiazka jest w idealnym stanie, nie byla czytana, Swietna Numer mojego konta mozna znalezc na stronie o mnie.


Nora Roberts jako J.D Robbs, ksiazka jest czescia swietnej serii In Death

Dwa brutalne morderstwa, których zagadkę ma rozwiązać Eve Dallas, mają niewątpliwie jeden element wspólny - narzędzie zbrodni. Ale czy tylko to? Co łączy ofiary?  

Obie mają jakiś związek z mężem Eve, Roarkiem. Czy każda następna ofiara - a wszystko wskazuje na to, że trzeba się
z nimi liczyć - będzie bliższa Roarke'owi? A może to on będzie ofiarą?