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BEHRINGER BCR 2000 kontroler midi NOWY SKLEP

26-06-2012, 3:08
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 699 zł     
Użytkownik midistore_pl
numer aukcji: 2413162361
Miejscowość Katowice
Wyświetleń: 23   
Koniec: 25-06-2012 11:31:00

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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                                             KONTROLER MIDI


Total-Recall USB/MIDI Controller with 32 Illuminated Rotary Encoders
Total-recall, cascadable desktop MIDI controller with analog feel and intuitive user interface
24 high-resolution encoders with LED rings for ultimate control over virtual mixers, synths, samplers and effects processors
4 virtual groups with 8 dual-mode, high-resolution encoders that feature LED rings and an additional push function
16 + 4 illuminated buttons freely assignable to all types of MIDI functions from note on/off, control change and program change to MMC and system exclusive data
All panel elements freely assignable—manually or via user-friendly learn mode
Two additional multi-function foot switch connectors can be used to address all types of MIDI data
32 user presets each with 4 encoder groups
Configurable MIDI and USB modes for ultra-flexible system integration
1 MIDI In plus 2 MIDI Outs, usable as an additional USB to MIDI interface
Multi-function, 4-digit LED display with real-time parameter indication plus write-in fields for your own labeling
MIDI Input with merge function for cascading several control units
Easy connection to any computer/expander, etc. using standard MIDI In/Out connectors
Generic USB MIDI support with Windows XP and Mac OS X operating systems
Additional drivers and editor/librarian software available for free download at www.behringer.com
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER

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BEHRINGER BCR 2000 kontroler midi NOWY SKLEP

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