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Bedtime Stories: Book and CD

13-07-2012, 22:45
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Cena kup teraz: 39 zł     
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Koniec: 13-07-2012 13:01:21

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2011
Przedział wiekowy: dla najmłodszych (0-2 lata), dla przedszkolaków (3-5 lat), dla dzieci z klas I-III (6-9 lat),
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Bedtime Stories

Book and CD

Debi Gliori


This work includes nine classic stories that are retold with beautiful illustrations and a sprinkle of story magic. Listen to the 60-minute CD with your child and have great fun following the words on the page together. All the best-loved characters are here, from Little Red Hen, The Lion and the Mouse to The Three Little Pigs. Make bedtime every child's favourite time.



Bedtime Stories: Book and CD



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