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27-02-2012, 15:28
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Tytuł oryginalny: Bbc Cambridge Spies
Tytuł polski:
Rok produkcji: 2003
Kraj: United Kingdom
Reżyseria: Tim Fywell
Obsada: Tom Hollander, Samuel West, Rupert Penry-Jones, Toby Stephens, Jenna Harrison, Simon Woods, Colin Higgins, Daniel Hart, Patrick Kennedy

Czterech wybitnych studentów Oxfordu rozpoczyna po studiach błyskotliwe kariery. Nadchodzi wojna. Wszyscy czterej są przekonani, że Anglii nie uda się odeprzeć ataku nazistów i jedynie Rosja jest w stanie ich pokonać. Zostają agentami KGB...
Cambridge Spies, the BBC's moody 2003 dramatisation of the most notorious debacle in the history of the British Secret Service, raises the spectre of the treachery of Philby, Burgess, MacLean and Blunt for a generation of viewers who can only imagine the shockwaves generated by their duplicity.
Inevitably the story suffers from the basically repellent quality of its raw material. Determinedly non-judgemental, it frequently stumbles along a precarious path between romantic eulogy and fact-based fable of the perils of idealism. For all the handsome casting, the characters have little charm to compensate for their deeds. Their motivations are sketched only vaguely. Even in moments of personal vulnerability, however poignant the performances, sympathy is at a premium. But it has its high points as an atmospheric soap opera: the recreation of a period that stretches from the radical aspects of 1930s university life at Cambridge to Cold War London, dipping into the Spanish Civil War and the Washington diplomatic circle en route, is vivid. The acting, too, is fine. Tom Hollander's rampantly dissolute Burgess verges constantly on parody. But Toby Stephens (Philby), Samuel West (a frosty Blunt) and Rupert Penry-Jones (an emotionally wrung-out MacLean) work wonders with Peter Moffat's insubstantial script.
On the DVD: Cambridge Spies is a handsome production with a cinematic quality enhanced by an appropriately edgy soundtrack and widescreen presentation. The main extra is the commentary shared by director Tim Fywell, producer Mark Shivas and writer Peter Moffat. It's a rather self-congratulatory affair, but includes some interesting insights: attempts to film some events in their real location met with refusal, suggesting that in some quarters, the outrage and embarrassment that Burgess, Philby and MacLean left in their wake is still very close to the surface. -- Piers Ford

In 1934, four brilliant, but seemingly conventional young men at Cambridge University are recruited to spy for the Soviet Union. Fuelled by youthful idealism, a passion for communism, a talent for lying and a hatred of Hitler and fascism, they began a 20-year career of deceit and treachery.
Guy Burgess
Wickedly gifted, full of nerve and verve and drenched in sex and scotch. Jobs in The Times, BBC and MI5 gave him access to national security secrets.
Anthony Blunt
Cool, viciously funny and terrifyingly clever. Entrusted with the closest secrets of the Royal Family.
Kim Philby
The perfect spy. Became head of counter-intelligence at MI6, "stopping people like me becoming people like me".
Donald Maclean
The Foreign Office double agent with a split personality, warm and funny, then wild and confessional.
The four do whatever is necessary to further the cause, their own promising careers are discarded and every aspect of their lives become a bluff, marriages and passions are destroyed, Enigma codes, Atom bomb details and other top secrets are passed on and cold war spies are murdered. But now, they are inextricably bound together and there is one thing they can never betray - their own secret...

Obraz: 1.78
Czas trwania: 232 min approx
Dźwięk: English
Napisy: brak polskich, English
Polska wersja językowa: brak polskiej wersji
Dodatki: commentary, gallery
Region: Region 2 (Europa, Polska)
Ilość dysków:
ITEMID: 476 # UNID: BBCDVD1318 # EXTCODE: 501[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]31318 # CAT: 121[zasłonięte]4177 # TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: #

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product_id: 476; product_code: BBCDVD1318; product_code_producer: ; product_sizecode: 501[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]31318;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>012-01 18:44:15 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.