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BB5 Easy Service Tool [ BEST ]

07-02-2014, 0:02
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numer aukcji: 3913820581
Miejscowość Kraków
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Koniec: 07-02-2014 00:02:19

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Stan: Nowy
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.10 [kg]
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BB5 Easy Service Tool [ BEST ]

BB5 Easy Service Tool [ BEST ]

Koszty przesyłki

Podane powyżej

Dane sprzedawcy

ul.Bitschana 2/38
31-420 Kraków
NIP: PL945[zasłonięte]2164
REGON: 120[zasłonięte]925


GG: 47403
Telefon: +48 [zasłonięte]107455
Sonork: 100.109472
E-mail: [zasłonięte]@gsm-support.pl

BB5 Easy Service Tool [ BEST ] to klucz, który pozwala na zrobienie kopii danych użytkownika z telefonów Nokia takich, jak kontakty, kalendarz, zdjęcia, filmy, smsy itp. Możliwe to jest również, jeśli telefon się nie włącza (musi jednak komunikować się z komputerem). Oprócz tego oprogramowanie doskonale nadaje się do flashowania i naprawy telefonów Nokia zarówno przez USB (np. martwe telefony) jak i Fbus. Program BB5 Easy Service Tool obsługuje wszystkie modele Nokii BB5.

BB5 Easy Service tool sl3 unlock process
BB5 Easy Service tool sl3 unlock process

BB5 Easy Service tool sl3 repair superdongle
BB5 Easy Service tool sl3 repair superdongle

BB5 Easy Service tool sl3 read hash c3-00
BB5 Easy Service tool sl3 read hash c3-00

Czasami zdarza się, że klient przed flashowaniem chce zrobić kopię danych z telefonu w obawie przed ich utratą - dzięki BB5 Easy Service Tool zrobisz to jednym kliknięciem. Jest to doskonałe uzupełnienie sprzętu serwisowego dla każdego komisu/serwisu GSM.

Nowe aktualizacje:
- Added QC-based Nokia support (Lumia) - dead/alive phone flashing, custom flashing, device wipe

- Added Restore SimLock from FullFlash Rap3 phones (like 5130, 2700 etc..), Free, standalone
- SimLock recover for RAPU, RAPIDO and RAP4 is PAID

- Added free and standalone log reading for Infineon XG213 phones. Supported models: Asha 200 RM-761, Asha 200 RM-762, C1-01 RM-607, C1-01 RM-608, C1-02 RM-643, C1-02 RM-644, C2-00 RM-704, C2-02 RM-692, C2-02 RM-693, C2-05 RM-724, C2-05 RM-725, C2-03 RM-702, C2-06 RM-702, C2-07 RM-692, C2-08 RM-702, X2-02 RM-694, X2-05 RM-772

- Added PAID sL3 Simlock Restore for RAPUv1, RAPUv2, RAPv4, BCM phones. Allow recovery SimLock data from fully dead bb5 phones.

Lista starszych aktualizacji na stronie http://www.infinity-best.com/?page=news


• Flash wszystkich telefonów BB5
• Super szybkie flashowanie dla BROADCOM & RAPUYAMA CPU, Czas: 4 sek PPM & 30 sek pełny flash
• Możesz flashować jakimkolwiek plikiem (nazywają to Custom Flashing)
• Możesz ustawić martwy telefon w TEST mode bez flashowania (jeżeli telefon nie ma całkowicie uszkodzonego oprogramowania – jak zablokowany przez użytkownika, nie można włączyć) Obsługuje większość Symbian oraz nowe telefony rapuyama/rap3gv4/broadcomm/nomadic
• RPL backup, S40 DEAD mode content flashing (po flashu nie mamy pustej galerii )
• Odczyt książki telefonicznej za pomocą 1 kliknięcia z działających lub niedziałających telefonów
• Odczyt galerii użytkownika (zdjęcia, filmy, nagrania, dźwięki itp.) z działających lub niedziałających telefonów
• Odczyt kalendarza za pomocą 1 kliknięcia z działających lub niedziałających telefonów
• Odczyt hasła karty pamięci za pomocą 1 kliknięcia z działających lub niedziałających telefonów
• Odczyt SMS/MMS za pomocą 1 kliknięcia z działających lub niedziałających telefonów
• Śwatowej klasy support, wsparcie techniczne i serwer z nowymi plikami flash bezpośrednio od producenta

Obsługa interfejsów:

- USB ( Service/Flashing/UserData )
- COM - np Infinity, Furious, Vygis, Martech,UniBox i inne (Service/UserData)
- UFS by SarasSoft Tornado, Twister, N-Box, inne (Service/UserData)

Porównanie BB5 Easy Service Tool z innymi produktami

BEST JAF Cyclone Mxkey UniversalBox MT-box
Save user data (pictures, photo, video, recordings) + - - - - -
Read/write phonebook (Series 40) +/+ -/- -/- +/+ -/- -/-
Read/write phonebook (Series 40 new: X3, 6700c etc.) +/+ -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Read/write phonebook (S60) +/+ -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Read/reset user code +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+
Read memory card code password S40/S60 (Symbian) +/+ -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Read SMS/MMS S40/S60 (Symbian) +/+ -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Read info, test, read/write PM, reset settings +/+/+/+ +/+/+/+ +/+/+/+ +/+/+/+ +/+/+/+ +/+/+/+
Read/write/reset lifetime counter +/+/+ -/+/- -/+/- -/+/- -/+/- -/+/-
Read/write product profile S40/S60 +/+ +/- +/- +/- +/- +/-
SelfTest/USB SelfTest/Extended SelfTest +/+/+ +/-/- +/-/- +/-/- +/-/- +/-/-
FunLabel (info labels for S40) + - - - - -
Keyboard test + - - + - -
USB ADC test, NCK enter +/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+ -/+
FileSystem Format/Auto/Non-destructive (format FFS) +/+/+ +/-/- +/-/- +/-/- +/-/- +/-/-
Reset settings + + + + + +
S40 normal/dead USB flashing + + + + + +
S60 normal/dead USB flashing + + + + + +
S60 custom flashing, New S40 custom flashing +/+ -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Broadcomm / Rap3GV4 / RapuYama USB flashing +/+/+ -/-/+ -/-/- -/+/+ -/+/+ -/+/+
S40 user data extraction + - - - - -
S40 DCT4++ user data extraction DCT4++ + - - - - -
WD2 phonebook extraction / WD2 phonebook repair (old Symbian) + - - - - -
DEAD-to-Test (without flash, additional HW) for most S60/new S40 + - - - - -
USB RPL reading for rap3gv4/broadcomm/rapuyama + - - - - -
Read/Write calendar S40/S60 (Symbian) + - - - - -

Obsługiwane modele & funkcje

- wszystkie modele BB5, włącznie z najnowszymi Rapuyama, Broadcomm i innymi
- flashowanie w trybie dead USB
- flashowanie w trybie normal USB (włączający sie tel.)
- szybkie flashowanie BB5
- custom flashing
- praca w trybie Dead-to-Test
- odczyt RPL przez USB

6233, 7370, 6300, 6270, 6280, 6288, 7390, 6500slide, 6500classic, 7900prism, 7500, 7120c, 7310supernova, 7510s, 7610s, 5200XM, 5300XM, 5310XM, 5130, 2700c, 6600slide, 3610a, 3610fold, 6555, 6085, 6086, 6125, 2690, 2710navi, 6131, 6133, 3109, 3110c, 3120c, 3500, 3600, 3710fold, 3720classic, 5220XM, 5610XM, 6151, 6267, 6303, 6303i, 6300i, 6600fold, 7210s, 8600luna, 8800arte...
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.
Obsługiwane tryby - DEAD USB / Normal Flashing.

N76, N78, N79, N81, N86, N85, X6, 5800, 5530, N97, N97Mini, N97i, 5230, 5500, 3250, 5700, 5710, E63, E66, E50, E51, E75, 6110n, 6220c, 5330TV, 5730XM, 6120classic, 6121c, 6124c, 6650, E71, E71x, N81-8gb...
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.
Obsługiwane tryby - DEAD USB / Normal Flashing.
Rozszerzone funkcje - Custom Flashing.

S60 APE:
6630, 6680, 6681, N70, N72, N73, N75, N77, N90, N91, N92, N95, E90, N93, N93i, E60, E61, E65, E61i, E70, N80, N95-8Gb...
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.
Obsługiwane tryby - Normal Flashing.

Kopia zapasowa danych -
Backup SMS, Galeria, Hasła, Książka telefoniczna, Kalendarz:

6233, 7370, 6300, 6270, 6280, 6288, 7390, 6500slide, 6500classic, 7900prism, 7500, 7120c, 7310supernova, 7510s, 7610s, 5200XM, 5300XM, 5310XM, 5130, 2700c, 6600slide, 3610a, 3610fold, 6555, 6085, 6086, 6125, 2690, 2710navi, 6131, 6133, 3109, 3110c, 3120c, 3500, 3600, 3710fold, 3720classic, 5220XM, 5610XM, 6151, 6267, 6303, 6303i, 6300i, 6600fold, 7210s, 8600luna, 8800arte, X3, X2, 6700c, 7020...
Naprawa - Kalendarz, Książka tel.
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.

6630, 6680, 6681, N70, N72, N73, N75, N77, N90, N91, N92, N95, E90, N93, N93i, E60, E61, E65, E61i, E70, N80, N95-8Gb...
Naprawa - Kalendarz, Książka tel.
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.

Backup SMS, Galeria, Hasła, Książka telefoniczna, Kalendarz:
N76, N81, 5800, 5500, 3250, 5700, 5710, E63, E50, E51, 6110n, 6120classic, 6121c, 6124c, 6650, E71, E71x, N81-8gb...
Naprawa - Kalendarz, Książka tel.
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.

Wyłącznie backup galerii:
N78, N79, N86, N85, X6, 5800, 5530, N97, N97Mini, N97i, 5230, 5710, E52, E66, E75, 6220c, 5330TV, 5730XM, 6650, E71x...
Wszystkie odmiany RM tych modeli również są obsługiwane.

Zrzuty ekranowe

BB5 Easy Service Tool

BB5 Easy Service Tool

Zestaw zawiera:
- Klucz programowy USB BB5 Easy Service Tool

Lista ostatnich aktualizacji:

Important links
- http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f641/free-logs-infinity-box-best-users-probably-you-winner[zasłonięte]12211/ FREE server logs for lucky Infinity-Box [BEST] users
- http://db.infinity-best.com:8001/status.php Estimated time for unlock code calculation
- http://www.infinity-best.com/download/index-1.php?dir=software/ Software updates

2[zasłonięte]011-05: Information for resellers: online software addon activation system (based on Infinity-Credits) launched
Software addon activation instruction

2[zasłonięte]011-05: SL3 server updated
"Cancel job" operation included in user web panel, please read http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f641/sl3-server-unlock-time-job-cancelation-etc[zasłonięte]12335/ detailed instruction with screenshot

2[zasłonięte]011-04: [BEST] v1.20 released
- USB flashing improved

Loaders updated to v 11.10.0
MassMemory flashing improved
Added more hints and info
Some bugfixes and improvements at all

- JAF support improved

Added DCT4+ support
Added some service operations (DCT4/BB5)
AutoDetect phone
PM read/SelfTest/FactorySets/Read info
Added afterflash operations
Some bugfixes

- UFS support improved

Improved stability on service operations
Some bugfixes

- Service operations improved

Improved RPL operations (USB/FBUS)
Updated ccc/hwc,tune,camconf base
Some bugfixes

- Some GUI changes
- Server operations improved

New version must be used for upload jobs and other operations !
Added support for upload job to server from *.bat file for ighashgpu
Added save *.bat file for oclHashcat format for LBF

- ini updated

2[zasłonięte]011-04: [BEST] v1.19 released
- USB flashing improved
- Activated MassMemory flashing (C7/N8 and same)

- UFS support improved
- RPL Write/Read improved
Added Read/Write APE certificates
- Improved APE flashing
- Some bugfixes

- JAF support improved
- RPL Write/Read improved
Added Read/Write APE certificates
- Improved APE flashing (OLD protocol)
- Improved CMT flashing (NEW protocol)
- Added "Flash Erase"
- LowFormat for S40 Activated
- Some bugfixes

- UserData operation improved
- LowFormat improved
(Recover phonebook/mmc password from dead phone)
Added 6500s (RM-240)
Added 5310xm (RM-303)
- S40 PhoneBook engine rewriten
Support for all s40 generations improved

- Unlock/Repair operations improved
- Fixed Rap4 Unlock
- Fixed Rap4 SDD repair / SX4
- Now all Rap4 phones can be uploaded to server

- Updated CCC/HWC, PM collection
- Some bugfixes and cosmetic changes

2[zasłonięte]011-04: INQ-Chat and INQ-Mini free addon for Infinity-Box [BEST] users
INQ-Chat and INQ-Mini code by imei free service for Infinity-Box [BEST] users released

2[zasłonięte]011-03: http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f641/important-information-sl3-unlock-server-users-regarding-rap4-6303i-7230-codes[zasłonięte]12351/ Important information for SL3 unlock server users regarding RAP4 (6303i, 7230) codes
Please, in nearest days DO NOT upload RAP4 (6303i, 7230) jobs for code calculations.
We are making some changes in calculation algorithms and in server infrastructure and to avoid lost time and non-calculated codes we ask you to wait our special announce when it will be good time to make RAP4 calculation again.

Thank you very much for your kind understanding and cooperation !

2[zasłonięte]011-03: [BEST] v1.18 released
* JAF support improved
- Fixed some box firmwares support
- Fixed booting
- OLD Protocol features for BB5 :
*Flash support added
- CMT/APE phones supported
- With APE-phones now can work not properly
Models like - E65,N70,N72,N96,N75,N82,N91,N95,E90 and few others
*Certificate support added
- Read/Write flash certificates (CMT only)
*Check option activated
- NEW Protocol features for BB5 :
*Flash support added
- CMT phones supported
*Certificate support added
- Read/Write flash certificates (CMT only)
*Check option activated
- UFS support improved
- Added key reading for RAPU/RAP4 phones
- Improved flashing stability for MMC phones (7900 and same)
- Other
- Some bugfixes at all
- some cosmetic changes

Other Info -
*Support all JAF box FW versions
*New Protocol added Especially for New RAPIDO phones
Other can be fully serviced via USB (even Full Erase)

* JAF booting improved
* Writing Certificates on New Protocol improved
* Flashing on New protocol improved
* Unlock/repair functions for rapu/rap4 improved
* Added check PA version (USB/JAF/UFS, depend on phone/protocol)
* Some bugfixes
* Server operations improved (Added time calculations)

2[zasłonięte]011-03: [BEST] v1.17.1 released
Usb flashing improved
- N96 loaders back to 10.50
User Data operations improved
- Added 6500c, RM-265 for "low Format"

*Added JAf support
-Read Keys (For Next use for USB repair/unlock)

Support RAP3,RAPIDO,RAPU,RAP4 hashes

Rapu Yama phones:
* E52-1 (RM-469)
* E72-1 (RM-530)
* E72-2 (RM-529)
* E73 (RM-658)
* 6700c-1, 6700c (RM-470)
* 6700s (RM-576)
* 6710s navigator (RM-491)
* 6720c (RM-424)
* 6730c-1 (RM-547)

Supported ROOT_KEY_HASH ( RAP ):
* 25B977A055BE9B5DEC0C38A2A279C695

Rap3V4 phones:
* X3-00 (RM-540)
* 6303ci (RM-638)
* 7230 (RM-604)
* 3710a-1 (RM-509)

Supported ROOT_KEY_HASH ( RAP ):
* 7B045400E[zasłonięte]17520F9EB80B0DEA9C65D

> -Read Keys (For Next use for USB repairSD/unlock/SX4)
> Support RAP3,RAPIDO,RAPU,RAP4 hashes
- Some bugfixes

Total Support SL3 HASH
1. 9DDBFCFE6E73CED7D8C6268C8EB85723
2. BAF3A9C3DBFA[zasłonięte]84549DB77F2B8852B1
3. CAEEBB65D3C48E6DC73B49DC5063A2EE
4. 7B045400E[zasłonięte]17520F9EB80B0DEA9C65D
5. 25B977A055BE9B5DEC0C38A2A279C695

2[zasłonięte]011-03: [BEST] v1.17 released
* BB5 support improved
- USB loader updated to latest (v11.4)
- Service operations improved
* PA_SL30 Simlock Writing improved
- (Tested on ALL current SL30 phones)
* Added "???/HWC Restore"
- Restore CCC/HWC certificates in phone
- Automatically or in Manual mode
* UFS flashing stability improved
* Added "Full Erase" option
- Allow fully erase phone, if needed
- Support FBUS/USB
- USB - RAPU/RAPV4/BCM phones
- Support CMT (Nor/Nand) only for Now
- Easy and one button solution
- No more needed Erase Files
- No more problems with "not fully" erased phones
* Cam Check/Repair, Store Camconf activated via Fbus
* Added SD/SLD/SECUTIRY Fast check
* Added Manufacturing date edit
* Added FunLabel Editor option (S40, USB/FBUS)
- Allow Edit FunLabel Data in internal editor
- Write/Save labels
* DCT4 support improved
- Service Improved operations with DCT4 phones
- Added Camera Configuration Check/Repair, Store CamConf
* Other
- Camera Configuration Package updated
- (Many configs added for DCt4 and Latest BB5 phones)
- CCC/HWC rpl collections added
- PM(Tune SX4) base updated
- Some bugfixes
- Some improvements at all
- Ini updated and corrected for some models
- Some major cosmetic changes

2[zasłonięte]011-02: BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Installer released
We have prepared more easy-to-use Installer for [BEST] software.
[BEST] v1.16 rebuilded as an Installer and uploaded in support area.
File to download: InfinityBox_installer_BEST_v1.16.rar

2[zasłonięte]011-02: Web site updated
Web site "Support" page updated with links to user manuals (English and Russian language) and with links to other resources.

2[zasłonięte]011-02: [BEST] v1.16 released
- RPL writing rebuilded
* Added PA_SL30 Simlock Writing (Under TEST) Support Factory RPL and BEST RPL backup
* some bug fixes and improvements

- DCT4 support improved
* Added Standalone DCT4+ ASIC11 Unlock/Relock/Simlock repair

- Other
* Unlock counter reset added
* UFS flashing stability improved

- Some improvements at all
- Ini updated and corrected for some models
- Some cosmetic changes

2[zasłonięte]011-02: [BEST] v1.15 released
- Added Infineon XG213 support c1-01, c1-02 and same
USB flashing (Dead/Normal)
Allow Custom flashing too (only mcu, only ppm, only cnt)
Dead To Test
Service operations (all, except rpl read/write, ask reading)
UserData operations
PhoneBook Read/Write (cross-support for all S40)
Calendar Read/Write
SMS Read/Write
Gallery read
MMC Pass read
FunLabel supported too
LifeTimer supported too

- USB flashing Improved
CNT check fixed (8800arte bug)
CNT check in dead mode improved
no more errors with 3110/6300 and same
some improvements in flashing at all

- UFS flashing improved
Fixed MMC CNT flashing(6500c/7900/8800)
Improved stability

- Service operations improved
Camera Configuration read/write also supported new CamTypes (x3-02 and same)
New camconfigs added
LifeTimer operations improved
Some improvements at all

- UserData operations improved
Added PhoneBook Read/Write support for S40 T&T (X3-02,C3-01...)
Fixed PhoneBook reading for some s40 (c3 and same)
Improved Gallery backup for new S40 (Infineon213 & s40 T&T)

- Ini Updated (added and fixed some models)

- Loaders updated (Fbus/Usb)

- Added CNT check option (for on/off Content check in Dead USB flashing)

- Some cosmetic changes

2[zasłonięte]011-01: New support server launched
One more support server launched and files will be completely uploaded there in nearest days, so you will be able to download from any support area server.

2[zasłonięte]011-01: [BEST] v1.14.1 released
* Infineon CPU based models support improved
-- COM port flashing support (dead/normal) released
-- Info "Read Info" option for Infineon/DCT4 released
-- Many internal improvements
* USB Flash Loaders updated
* Some internal bugfixes
* Ini updated - revised and added new models
* LBF (Local BruteForce) log reading for SL3 fixed

2[zasłonięte]011-01: [BEST] v1.14 released
Standalone Sl1/Sl2 simlock repair released

* Infineon-based models unlock improved (C1-00 supported/tested)
* S40 (all generations: 2,3,5,6) SMS/MMS reading/restoring released:
-- SMS/MMS can be readed as text, backup package and restored after flash/reset/erase
-- Supported USB for now only, in next versions will be added FBUS support too
* Fixed some model detection/operation select bugs for BB5 (repair/unlock not enabled)

* USB flashing fixed
-- UFS support improved
-- fixed sw version check
-- other small bug fixes
* Infineon-based models support improved
-- Infineon flashing improved
-- Infineon "check" improved
-- After flash options added (chk/read, Factory Set)
-- Some improvements in phone connection/detection

* Added some hints for flashing/booting/unlocking problems
* "Check" option improved for BB5 (USB/FBUS)
* Some cosmetic changes

2[zasłonięte]011-01: [BEST] v1.13 released
- SL3 unlock codes calculation released in FREE, UNLIMITED, STANDALONE method (use your own PC for calculation)
* FREE, UNLIMITED, STANDALONE for all Infinity BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] users
* You must have PC with required hardware for calculation, see hardware requirements below

- Nokia Infineon CPU based (X-Gold 102/110) models supported
* SP-Unlock (Network/Provider unlock) via FREE, UNLIMITED, STANDALONE unlock method (use your own PC for calculation)
-- FREE, UNLIMITED, STANDALONE for all Infinity BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] users
-- 1280, 1616, 1800 models was tested and unlocked well
-- You must have PC with required hardware for calculation, see hardware requirements below
* UFS interface supported
* Flashing: dead mode, normal mode, upgrade and/or downgrade firmware
* Service functions: factory defaults, pm read/write, self-test

- User Data operations improved
* S40 PhoneBook operation improved, read operation improved
* CSV read operation improved, minor bugs fixed
* S40v6 phonebook reading improved
* S60 CSV/VCF operation improved

- UFS flasing improved
* minor bugs fixed

- Other improvements
* DCT4+ and Infineon based models: reset user code operation fixed
* New Camera Configuration supported
-- NI00CS[zasłonięte]00000C213402
-- NI00CS000[zasłonięte]01022E05
* RPL read operations improved, especially for dead-to-test mode
* Ini files updated, new models added
* minor bugs fixed

- Support area improvements
* Support area mirror servers selection released, new support mirror servers will be started soon

- Hardware requirements for unlock calculation:
* ATI Radeon HD 5xxx or Nvidia CUDA graphic card

2[zasłonięte]011-01: [BEST] v1.12.2 released
- USB flashing improved
- Added Error handling for RAPU/RAPv4/BroadComm flashing
- STOP button added
- Some bugfixes
- UFS flashing improved
- Stablespeed improvements
- STOP button added
- Old APE flashing fixed (n70/n72/6680 and same)
- "Check" option improved
- Some bugfixes
- User Data Operation Improved
- Added S60 Phonebook extraction to VCF/CSV
Recover Deleted/Damaged records from phonebook too. World First!
- Added S40 Phonebook extraction to VCF/CSV
- STOP button added for MMS and Gallery reading
- Other
- CNT write bugfixes on some models
- Added "upload tune" (1,309 pm upload)

2[zasłonięte]010-12: [BEST] v1.11 released, SL3 unlock started
- SL3 unlock released:
* Please, download SL3 unlock manual with detailed information and step-by-step instruction

- Software improvements:
* SL3 unlock operations supported
* UFS flashing improved
* Cert operations improved
* Flash bug with 3110 and some others devices fixed
* Flashing/Check/Service stability improvements
* Life-Timer read/write/reset improved
* Self-Tests improved ( Stability, added "Copy Result" )
* CHK procedure improved ( USB/FBUS )
* Downgrade via F-Bus fixed
* AfterFlash operations improved
* INI updated
* minor bugs fixed

2[zasłonięte]010-11: [BEST] v1.10.1 released
- USB flashing improved
* Updated flashloaders
* Improved RAPUYAMA/Rap3gV4/Broadcomm flashing
* Improved N96 flashing
* Improved S60 RAPIDO flashing
* Improved old S40 boot/flashing
* Improved S40 dead mode cntent writing especially for old models
* Improved AfterFlash operations
* Added Certificate (NPC/CCC/HWC) backup in USB normal/Dead flashing
* Some cosmetic changes and bugfixes
* Fixed bug in S60 usb flashing (like E71)
* Fixed bug in old S40 usb flashing (like 6085)

- UFS support added
* All service operations are supported
* All user data operations are supported

- RPL read added for new BB5
* Also can be used for dead-to-test mode without need select flash-files

- User Data operations improved
* S60 Symbian 9.3/9.4 phonebook write activated for some special cases
* DCT4+ gallery/SMS read improved

- Service operations improved
* E-series code reading improved
* FunLabel improved
* SelfTest improved (especially for new phones)
* Improved and rebuilded connection for DCT4+/Infineon/WD2 phones

- INI file updated (added new model)

.SL1/SL2 Unlock Added ( Rap3Gv3, Rap3Gv2 and old RAPIDO hashes now)

- Language Package Description added for S40
* No need any ini-files or something else
* Work for all current and upcoming s40 models

- Product Code write allow write "Word" Product codes

- Flash Settings added
* Allow by "one select" configuring flashing options
* Modes : Safe flash, Full Flash, PPm only, Dead-Test, Manual

- CERT operations, Low Format via USB - no need more check "Dead mode"

- AfterFlash - Product Code update added

- S40 Low Format - Added 2700c (RM-561), 7500 (RM-249)

- some bugfixes and cosmetic changes from previous version

2[zasłonięte]010-10: [BEST] v1.09 released
[BEST] v1.09 uploaded on support area:

* USB flashing iproved
- Certificate Write/Erase added for RAPUYAMA, BroadComm, RAP3Gv4
- Blank pmm write activated via USB
- Some bugfixes
- Loaders updated
* UFS support
- UFS communication improved
- "Check" option added
- Flashing added (CMT/APE) Old Protocol
- Cert Write/Read/Erase added
* User Data operations improved
- MMC password reading improved
- WD2 PhoneBook operations improved
- Read "To Do", "Notes" For S40 added
- Read Calendar / Write Calendar - Select "evpkg" instead "event"
- Added Write PhoneBook support for RAPUYAMA, BroadComm, RAP3Gv4 Series 40 phones
- Fbus gallery reading improved
* Repair options
- Camera configuration read/repair (USB)
- Read RPL now collect Certs and Flex keys
- Erase Flash - S40 special - erase FS (USB/UFS)
- RPL write improved ( NMP/Plain type support )
- WD2 connection improved, Added "Force D2 mode"

2[zasłonięte]010-09: New flash files uploaded in support area
A lot of new flash files uploaded in support area

2[zasłonięte]010-09: [BEST] v1.08 released
[BEST] v1.08 uploaded on support area:

- USB flashing improoved

* Updated flashloaders
* Improoved RAPUYAMA/Rap3gV4/Broadcomm flashing
* Improoved N96 flashing
* Improoved S60 RAPIDO flashing
* Improoved old S40 boot/flashing
* Improoved S40 dead mode cntent writing especialy for old models
* Improoved AfterFlash operations
* Added Certificate (NPC/CCC/HWC) backup in USB normal/Dead flashing
* Some cosmetic changes and bugfixes

- UFS support added

* All service operations are supported
* All user data operations are supported

- RPL read added for new BB5

* Also can be used for dead-to-test mode without need select flash-files

- User Data operations improoved

* S60 Symbian 9.3/9.4 phonebook write activated for some special cases
* DCT4+ gallery/SMS read improoved

- Service operations improoved

* E-series code reading improoved
* FunLabel improoved
* SelfTest improoved (especialy for new phones)
* Improoved and rebuilded connection for DCT4+/Infineon/WD2 phones

2[zasłonięte]010-09: Web site updated
Web site pages updated with current prices and information about sales

2[zasłonięte]010-09: New flash files uploaded in support area
New flash files uploaded in support area

2[zasłonięte]010-07: Support area access procedure changed
Software and manuals can be downloaded w/o login, flash files should be downloaded with access via dongle (see more information at site "Support" page)

2[zasłonięte]010-05: Version 1.02. released
.USB flashing improved: S60 (SmartPhones) models added:
X6, N86, N85, N76, N77, N78, N79, N75, N97, 5800, 5230, 5530, 6120c, 6124c, 6110n, 6210n, E71, E75, 6290, N81, N81-8gb, E51, 6220c, 6650d, 5800i, N97mini etc.
.improved connection with phone in DEAD mode. S40 DEAD/NORMAL flashing improved (stability, speed)
.increased number of files for flashing:
- S40 – 3 files
- S60 – 5 files (with ability to flash by parts)
.automatic files selection improved
.minor interface changes in "Flash" page
.Self-Test improvements (become more stable)
.FunLabel improved (latest S40 models supported)
.DCT4+ support released:
- automatic detection mode
- save Gallery
- save SMS as text
- FunLabel, SelfTest, ADc management
.improved Flash IC/check/checkSD detection
.Model List, Ini – fixed and added new models
.minor bugs fixed, minor interface changes
.operation execution time shown

2[zasłonięte]010-04: Version 1.01 released
.some changes in interface
.some improvements in data extract operations:
- extract SMS as text (S40/S60)
- extract calendar as text (S40)
.phonebook extraction improved for S40 (new models added)
.PM Write – skip fields 120/308 during write option released
.AutoBackup – save field 120 (if it is exists)
.minor bugs fixed

2[zasłonięte]010-04: Version 1.00 released
First stable release