Desmond Barry
Chivalry of Crime
Boston 2000
Stron 474, format: 16x24 cm
Set in the tumultuous aftermath of the Civil War, The Chivalry of Crime is the unforgettable story of a young man who wants a gun — and what happens when he finally gets his wish.
When the legendary shootist Robert Ford brings his tent saloon to Weaver, Colorado, young Joshua Beynon is among the first to greet him. Ford is reviled by some for having slain Jesse James, but to Joshua he is a demigod, a living connection to the mythic world of outlaws he has read about his whole life. Joshua is determined to get a gun for himself and to make Ford his friend—and in pursuing those wishes Joshua embarks on an unimaginable jour¬ney that utterly transforms his ideas about adventure, violence, manhood, and glory. The Chivalry of Crime intertwines Joshua's story with the true and amaz¬ing story of Jesse James's life. In Ford's telling, Jesse James emerges as a man twisted by violence into retribution's dark angel, an implacable instrument of revenge. Raiding Union soldiers with a band of Confederate guerrillas, trying unsuccessfully to lay down his guns and start a new life, and embarking finally on his celebrated career as a robber of trains and banks, James feeds on killing in a kind of unholy fervor, until his death becomes as inevitable as his fame. The life of Jesse James and the story of Joshua and Robert Ford come together in an explosive drama that touches the very root of violence in human nature. From the woods and roads of Civil War battle-fields to the mud streets and barrooms of a wide-open mining town, The Chivalry of Crime renders the places, sights, and voices of nineteenth-century America with an almost overwhelming vividness. This is a poignant, powerfully written novel about the American love of outlaws —and surely one of the most accomplished literary debuts to emerge in recent years.
'Gritty, powerfully alive...The Chivalry of Crime is a tour de force, deserving of every accolade that comes its way." — PETER CAREY, author of Jack Maggs
"The rich literature of the American West has just become richer with Desmond Barry's marvelous epic of Jesse James. The Chivalry of Crime shimmers with blood and dust, but too with freshly told truths about the fragility of myth. A born storyteller, his voices are true, his landscape luminous, his vision as unexpected as a mid-afternoon Dog Star over the Oscuras." — BRADFORD MORROW, author of Trinity Fields and Giovanni's Gift
"The Chivalry of Crime is a terrific reconstruction of that mostly for¬gotten bit of the War Between the States, the bloody Border Wars, which resembled Vietnam more than Bull Run, and spawned a dozen unrecon¬structed outlaws with household names—the James boys, the Youngers, and the rest. Desmond Barry brings all that time to life." —JAMES CRUMLEY, author of The Wrong Case and Bordersnakes
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