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Barrier-Free Design: Principles Planning Examples

22-01-2014, 19:03
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Koniec: 18-01-2014 21:07:53

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2010
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
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Mam do sprzedania trudno dostępną w Polsce, ciekawą książkę:

Tytuł: Barrier-Free Design: Principles, Planning, Examples (książka w języku angielskim)

Autor: Oliver Heiss, Christine Degenhart, Johann Ebe

Wydawnictwo: Birkhauser

Liczba stron: 112 (duży format)


Demographic changes demand new qualities of private and public space, qualities that are also required by new legislation. The Detail Practice volume Barrier-Free Design provides all planners and architects, but also interested building sponsors, with basic practical information and a range of possible planning implementations in the domain of barrier freedom. It shows how corresponding requirements can be turned into aesthetically distinguished architecture. And it demonstrates that taking barrier freedom into account in the early planning stages of a project need not lead to additional costs compared to ""classical"" construction and design.

In addition to an overview of planning fundamentals, the book also includes the associated body of rules and regulations as well as examples of how they are embodied in actual projects and perspectives on their development in the larger European context.

więcej tutaj: http://www.amazon.com/Barrier-Free-Design-Principles-Planning-Examples/dp/303[zasłonięte]3640


Stan: Książka nowa, przeleżała trochę na półce

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