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Baretta: Season 1

26-01-2012, 22:03
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 140 zł     
Użytkownik quasimodo1981
numer aukcji: 2031601135
Miejscowość Liptovsky Mikulas, Słowacja
Zostało sztuk: 15    Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 31-01-2012 15:43:48

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Editorial Reviews

Columbo had his cigar and Kojak had his lollipop, but Detective Tony Baretta outranked 'em all with his quirky trademark prop: a pet cockatoo named Fred. Launched in 1975, Baretta was one of the first cop shows to celebrate the streetwise detective as urban folk hero. Erstwhile Little Rascal Robert Blake embraced the title role with gusto, donning wacky undercover disguises and spouting fractured tough-guy truisms ("Dead's dead and it don't come back again"). Great secondary characters provided much of the showšs edgy humor, from the flamboyant pimp Rooster (Michael D. Roberts) to Billy Truman (Tom Ewell), the retired NYPD detective who owns the fleabag hotel that Baretta calls home. Although Baretta only lasted three seasons, its groundbreaking scripts garnered an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Drama Series and won Blake a Golden Globe for Best TV Actor. Its popularity endured through syndication well into the '80s, when many actors who got early breaks on Baretta had become household names. Look for Margot Kidder as Terry Lake in "The Secrets of Terry Lake," one of 13 first-season episodes collected in this three-DVD set. Old and new fans of detective shows will want to own this classic series, whose status as a cult favorite will no doubt be enhanced by its availability on DVD. Barnes & Noble

Product Details

  • UPC: 025[zasłonięte]244629
  • Region Code: 1
  • Aspect Ratio: Pre-1954 Standard (1.33.1)
  • Sound: Dolby Digital Mono
  • Language: English
  • Subtitles: Français, Espańol
  • Time: 10:12:00
  • Sales Rank: 29,277

This set contains DVDs which may be available separately:

  • Baretta: He'll Never See Daylight Again
  • Baretta: The Five and a Half Pound Junkie
  • Baretta: Woman in the Harbor
  • Baretta: If You Can't Pay the Price
  • Baretta: Half-a-Million Dollar Baby
  • Baretta: Ragtime Billy Peaches
  • Baretta: The Coppelli Oath
  • Baretta: Walk Like You Talk
  • Baretta: The Mansion
  • Baretta: Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow
  • Baretta: The Secret of Terry Lake
  • Baretta: This Ain't My Bag


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Wszystkie filmy, które tu Państwo znajdują w mojej kolekcji sa nagrane w języku angielskim z angielskimi napisami. Są to filmy oryginalne. O wiele bardziej wyposażone w dodatki niż polskie wersje.
O ile opis nie stanowi inaczej właściwym regionem dla w/w filmów jest region 1. Ale filmy można odtwarza na każdym odtwarzaczu komputerowym oraz w wieloregionowym odtwarzaczu dvd.

Towar jest wysyłany z USA. Czas dostarczenia do 14 dni do 6 tygodni. Kurierem mimo, że drożej zdecydowanie szybciej.