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A Community in Transition: The Biharis in Bangladesh is
the third in a row of ELCOP publications under the banner of Community Law Reform1 programme. This book is based on a research conducted by a group of law students from the universities of Dhaka, Chittagong and the Islamie University in Kushtia who are the alumnae of the 3r^ Hunian Rights Summer School (HRSS). The study looks into the problems of the Biharis in a comprehensive manner emphasizing their human rights dimensions and projeeting viable and realistic solutions. Thus, the study goes far beyond a merę depietion of the polities of the Biharis1 issue.
The study would not have been possible without the financial support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). ELCOP is deeply indebted personally to Mr. Md. Shahidul Haque, Regional Representative for South Asia, not only for his personal interest in the study but also for his valuable comments on an earlier draft. We are also indebted to Ms. Victoria Hollertz, Program Officer, IOM for her penetrating observations on and meticulous review of the manuscript. However, the responsibility for the opinions expressed in the research lie with the authors and the study is in no way reflective of IOM^ opinion.
Successful completion of the study depended on continuous help, assistance and co-operation of a number of individuals and organizations whose names appear in the acknowledgement part. However, I deem it my morał obligation to mention the names of Dr. Abu Mohammad



Autor: Editor Dr. Mizanur Rahman

Wydawnictwo i rok wydania:

Stan: -bdb przytarcia i slady na obwolucie

Oprawa: twarda

Ilość stron: 279 str.

Format: 15x22 cm

Ilustracje: ----

Spis treści:
Prologue: The Biharis in Bangladesh: A Displaced Minority
Dr. Mizanur Rahman 17-32
Chapter 1: Exodus of the Biharis: 1947-[zasłonięte] 52 33
Partition of the British-India 34
Exodus of Muslims to Pakistan 40
Reasons behind Exodus of Muslims to Pakistan 51
Anomaly of the Term ^ihari1 53
Muhajir Policy of Pakistan Government and
their Rehabilitation 54
1.6 Identity of the Biharis between 1947 and 1951 61
Refugees 62
Refugees Defined in International Instruments 62
Criteria for the Determination of Refugee Status 65
Whether the Biharis were Muhajirs 71
Whether the Biharis were Migrants 71
Whether the Biharis were Political Asylees 74
Whether the Biharis were Stateless Persons 76
Whether the Biharis were Displaced Persons 7 8
1.7 Conclusion 79
Chapter 2: Biharis in East Pakistan 81-89
2.1 Demographical Data 81
85 89
90 92 94 96 100
Occupational Data
Settlement Paradigm
Chapter 3: National Liberation Movement in East Pakistan and the Biharis
Bangalee Nationalism and the Biharis
Bangalee Nationalism
Language Movement
The Biharić Clash with Bangalee Nationalism
Aftermath of February 1952
3.6 Role of the Biharis during Liberation War in 1971 104
Chapter 4: Demise of United Pakistan and Identity Crisis
of the Biharis 109-132
110 [zasłonięte] 120 121 126
Biharis as Citizens of Bangladesh
Biharis as Stranded Pakistanis
Biharis as Non-Bangladeshis
Biharis as Stateless Persons
Biharis as Displaced Persons
Identity Crisis and Related Intimidation of the Biharis 126
Chapter 5: The Bihari Community from a Hunian Rights
Perspective 133-207
A.5.1 The Concept of Human Dignity and
the Present Status of the Biharis 133
A.5.2 International Instruments 135
A.5.2.1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 135
A.5.2.2 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR) 136
A.5.2.3 International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 137
A.5.3 Bangladesh National Instruments 138
A.5-3 1 The Proclamation of Independence 138
A.5.3.2 The Constitution of the Peoples1 Republic
of Bangladesh 138
A.5.4 Present Status of the Biharis 138
A.5.5 Denial of Politico-economic Rights and Humiliation of
the Community 139
A.5.6 Property Relations - Then and Now 142
A.5.7 Field Findings 144
A.5.8 Micro Credit 146
A.5.8.1 Successful Providers of Micro Credit 146
A.5.9 Economic Empowerment 151
A.5.10 Employment Pattern 153
A.5.11 Poverty Status 155
A.5.12 Vote Bank 157
A.5.13 Political Identity of the Biharis 159
B.5 The Biharis1 Access to Social Service and Welfare:
Adding Salt to Pepper 164
B.5.1 Introduction 164
B.5.2 Education 164
B.5.3 Food and Nutrition 168
B.5.4 Power Supply 170
B.5.5 Health Care 171
B.5.6 Family Planning 173
B.5.7 Maternity Rights and Reproductive Health 174
B.5.8 Child Rights 174
C.5 The Bihari Family: Past and Present 176
C.5.1 Introduction 176
C.5.2 Structure of the Family 177
C.5.3 Family Life in Camp Environment 1 79
C.5.4 Birth and Death Registration 182
C.5.5 Preserving Community Traditions and Customs 182
C.5.6 The Community Identity 185
C.5.7 Threat to the Bihari Family 185
C.5.7.1 Threat from Within 185
C.5.7.2 Threat from Outside 189
C.5.8 Migration and Withering of the Community 192
C.5.9 Trafficking of Women and Children 193
C.5.10 Conclusion 193
D.5 Self-Governance and the Bihari Community 194
D.5.1 Self -Governance and the Right to Inclusiveness 195
D.5.2 Self -Administering Bodies 196
D.5.2.1 Relief Distributing Body 196
D.5.2.2 Dispute Settlement Body 198
D.5.2.3 Social Advancement Committee 199
D.5.2.4 Festival Celebrating I Organizing Committee 199
D.5.3 The right to Inclusiveness 199
D.5.4 Discrimination from the Majority Population 201
D.5.4.1 Discrimination in the Field of Education 201
D.5.4.2 Discrimination in the Job Market 202
D.5.4.3 Discrimination in the Field of Business 202
D.5.4.4 Self-Governance vis-a-vis the State Institutions 203
D.5.4.5 Role of NGOs 204
D.5.4.6 Self-Governance and Access to Justice 205
D.5.4.7 Objectification of the Bihari Voice 205

209 [zasłonięte] 214 223
246 [zasłonięte] 249 249 [zasłonięte] 253 255 257
Connecting Factors in ResoWing the Biharis Issue
Notion of Patriality
Notion of Continuity
Notion of the Successor State
Right to Permanent Abode and
the Biharis in Bangladesh
Time for a Reverse Discrimination and Role of the
International Community
6.6.1 Rehabilitation
Rabeta-Al-Alm Al-Islami
6.7 Conclusion
Epilogue: Rehabilitation of the Internally Displaced Biharis
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah 259
List of Contributors

Chapter 6: Redeeming the Dignity of the Biharis A Human Rights Response

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