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BANGLADESH / Bangladesz przewodnik Bradt NOWY

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Bangladesh / Bangladesz. Przewodnik wyd. Bradt

  • Data: 04-12-2012
  • Oprawa: miękka
  • Liczba stron: 392
  • Język: angielski
  • Autor: Mikey Leung
  • Wymiary (mm): 135 x 215
  • Kod produktu: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]16240
  • ISBN:[zasłonięte]978-1862-409-9
  • Typ produktu: przewodnik
  • Typ przewodnika: tekstowy
  • Waga (g): 470

This updated guidebook, with a focus on responsible tourism, offers greater coverage than any other to the Chittagong Hill Tracts where 13 different ethnic groups live, and to the world's largest mangrove forest at the Sundarbans. Personal insights and anecdotes guide trailblazing travellers to those aspects of the country that are almost unknown to visitors - dolphin and whale watching, winter bird-watching in the northern wetlands and golden Bengal's silk and archaeological highlights.


Introduction VII


Chapter 1
Background Information 3
Geography 3, Climate 4, Natural history and conservation 7, History 9, Government and politics 21, Economy 22, Development 24, People 26, Language 28, Religion 30, Education 32, Culture 32

Chapter 2
Practical Information 37
When to visit 37, Highlights 38, Suggested itineraries 41, Tour operators 42, Red tape 42, Embassies and high commissions 46, Getting there and away 48, Health 53, Safety and security 65, Women travellers 67, Disabled travellers 68, Travelling with children 69, What to take 69, Money 71, Budgeting 73, Getting around 73, Accommodation 78, Eating and drinking 81, Public holidays and festivals 86, Shopping 91, Arts and entertainment 93, Media and communications 95, Business 97, Cultural etiquette 99, Travelling positively 101, Living in Bangladesh 104


Chapter 3
Dhaka 115
History 116, Getting there and away 117, Getting around 124, Tourist information 128, Where to stay 129, Where to eat 138, Entertainment and nightlife 144, Shopping 148, Other practicalities 152, What to see 154, Day trips from Dhaka 166

Chapter 4
Dhaka Division 177
Bhawal National Park 177, Mymensingh 178, Around Mymensingh 181, Tangail 183, Around Tangail 184

Chapter 5
Sylhet Division 189
History 190, Language 190, Sylhet 191, Around Sylhet 197, Ja'ong 199, Cherrapunjee 200, Sunamganj 201, Srimongol 203, Around Srimongol 217

Chapter 6
Chittagong Division 221
Chittagong 221, Around Chittagong 236, Sitakund 237,
Chittagong Hill Tracts 238, Cox's Bazaar 254, Around
Cox's Bazaar 263, Teknaf 264, St Martin's Island 265,
Noakhali 270, Hatiya Island 271, Nijhum Dwip 273,
Comilla 273, Around Comilla 277

Chapter 7
Khulna and Barisal Divisions 279
Khulna 279, Around Khulna 285, Bagerhat 287, Mongla
289, Sundarban 290, Jessore 297, Around Jessore 302,
Benapol/Petrapol 303, Kushtia 304, Around Kushtia 308,
Barisal 309, Bhola Island 312, Kuakata 314

Chapter 8
Rajshahi and Rangpur Divisions 319
Rajshahi 320, Around Rajshahi 325, Puthia 326,
Natore 327, Pabna 329, Around Pabna 330, Chapai
Nawabganj 332, Bogra 334, Around Bogra 338,
Paharpur and Mahasthan: the Buddhist monuments
338, Rangpur 343, Around Rangpur 347, Kurigram 348,
Lalmonirhat district 348, Saidpur 351, Around Saidpur
353, Dinajpur 353, Around Dinajpur 356, Thakurgaon
358, Around Thakurgaon 359, Panchagarh 359, Around
Panchagarh 360

Appendix 1
Language 363

Appendix 2
Further Information 373


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