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Bach C.P.E.
Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 CD1  Hyperion 49
  Opis albumu

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The death of Georg Philipp Telemann in 1767 paved the way for his godson, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach to take up the position of Director of Music in Hamburg. Prior to that CPE Bach had been working for Frederick the Second of Prussia in Berlin but longed for a greater musical freedom and stylistic flexibility that working in Hamburg would offer him. This included the composition of three oratorios, including the one presented here. CPE Bach worked on The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesusin collaboration with the librettist, Karl Wilhelm Ramler from 1781, and in 1787 it was published by Breitkopf. A letter from the composer to his publisher subsequently revealed he considered it to be one of his greatest masterpieces - a reflection agreed upon by audiences at the time, and succeeding generations of composers, including Haydn and Beethoven who both drew inspiration from it. For this recording GramophoneAward winner Stephan Genz is joined by his brother Christoph and soprano Uta Schwabe - both singers new to Hyperion. We also welcome La Petite Bande (see below) and the baroque chamber choir Ex Tempore, also from Belgium.



'Sigiswald Kuijken’s lively but sensitive and thoughtful direction, and his attention to details of the instrumental texture, ensure that the work gets the performance it merits. I found it compelling, and warmly recommend it' (Gramophone)

'Every listening experience should be an adventure, and C.P.E Bach and Hyperion do not disappoint' (The Times)

'Stephan Genz is outstanding … a touching and sometimes exciting piece that deserves to be heard for that thrilling chorus alone' (BBC Music Magazine)

'this excellent performance captures the listener’s full attention from the very first note' (Daily Telegraph)

'a superb performance' (The Independent)

'Hyperion has a superb knack of picking repertoire that is not mainstream and recording it to disc with excellent soloists, orchestras and conductors. This is no exception … the trio of soloists give fine performances, as does the band with sympathetic accompaniments' (Cathedral Music)

'this is an enormously rich and thoroughly rewarding realisation of a little known masterpiece … intimate, highly melodic and impeccably tasteful performance' (HMV Choice)

'Une merveilleuse réalisation qui prend valeur de réference' (Classica, France)

'Sigiswald Kuijken and his team … give a performance that shows both bite and sensitivity' (Irish Times)

Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, H777
1 Part 1 No 01: Einleitung [1'28] >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
2 Part 1 No 02. Chorus: Gott du wirst (chorus) [2'24] >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
3 Part 1 No 03. Recitative: Judäa zittert (bass) [1'42] >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
Stephan Genz (baritone)
4 Part 1 No 04. Aria: Mein Geist voll Furcht und Freuden (bass) [4'24] >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
Stephan Genz (baritone)
5 Part 1 No 05. Chorus: Triumph! Triumph! (chorus) [2'05] >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
6 Part 1 No 06. Recitative: Die frommen Töchter (tenor) [1'30]
Christoph Genz (tenor)
7 Part 1 No 07. Aria: Wie bang hat dich mein Lied beweint (soprano) [3'49]
Uta Schwabe (soprano)
8 Part 1 No 08. Recitative: Wer ist die Sionitin (bass) [2'14]
Stephan Genz (baritone)
9 Part 1 No 09. Duet: Vater deiner schwachen Kinder (tenor/soprano) [6'21]
Christoph Genz (tenor), Uta Schwabe (soprano)
10 Part 1 No 10. Recitative: Freudinnen Jesu (tenor) [1'51]
Christoph Genz (tenor)
11 Part 1 No 11. Aria: Ich folge dir (tenor) [4'31]
Christoph Genz (tenor)
12 Part 1 No 12. Chorus: Tod! Wo ist dein Stachel? (chorus) [2'06]
13 Part 2 No 01: Einleitung [0'37]
14 Part 2 No 02. Recitative: Dort seh' ich aus den Toren Jerusalems (bass) [6'14]
Stephan Genz (baritone)
15 Part 2 No 03. Aria: Willkommen, Heiland (bass) [6'53]
Stephan Genz (baritone)
16 Part 2 No 04. Chorus: Triumph! Triumph! (chorus) [2'02]
17 Part 2 No 05. Recitative: Elf auserwählte Jünger (tenor) [2'24]
Christoph Genz (tenor)
18 Part 2 No 06. Aria: Mein Herr, mein Gott (tenor) [3'58]
Christoph Genz (tenor)
19 Part 2 No 07. Chorus: Triumph! Triumph! (chorus) [2'03]
20 Part 2 No 08. Recitative: Auf einem Hügel (tenor) [1'56]
Christoph Genz (tenor)
21 Part 2 No 09. Aria: Ihr Tore Gottes (bass) [3'33]
Stephan Genz (baritone)
22 Part 2 No 10. Chorus: Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen (chorus) [8'32]

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