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AZNO3 Absolute Zero Nitrate Remover 237ml 874

12-03-2015, 0:02
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 199 zł     
Użytkownik JadwigaMorska_pl
numer aukcji: 5077309600
Miejscowość radzyń podlaski
Wyświetleń: 5   

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Waga (z opakowaniem): 1.00 [kg]
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Jadwiga Morska

Jadwiga Bogutyn
ul. Gwardii 24
21-300 Radzyń Podlaski
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AZ‐NO3 ‐ Absolute Zero Nitrate Remover 237ml 874

AZ-No3 (Absolute Zero - Nitrates) will encourage better removal of nitrate from marine aquariums. Most aquarium filters do not run at peak efficiency and this product will assist in raising this ability.

AZ-No3 works entirely by aerobic Cellular Respiration on the target Nitrate molecule, which is then removed by the Protein Skimmer. The oxidoreductases necessary for these processes are the chemical mechanism of an enzyme action.

AZ-No3 provides many other benefits besides nitrate reduction. Upon addition of the product to the aquarium, you will notice that the Protein Skimmer becomes more efficient and remains that way for approximately 30 days after the final use of the AZ-NO3.


It does not interfere with any nitrate test kits to give you illusion and fake denitrating effects like the other product.
It brings down & maintains your nitrate from as high as 100ppm or more to an Absolute-Zero level. Hence the name.
Safe for reef and fish-mainly marine systems. Will not harm your delicate corals.
Works with an efficient protein skimmer to export the bonded nitrate compounds. 
An alternative way is to employ Polyfilter Pads to adsorb the bonded nitrate compounds.
Also dramatically enhance the efficiency of your protein skimmer (essential) in the removal of other detrimental dissolved organics.
Contains absolutely no yeast nor complex sugar which will cause adverse effects &
other unpredictable complications upon long term usage.
Since that it is not bacterial-based, its potency will not be affected by any 
other additives, medications and supplements. It is fully-compatible 
with any other chemical engineered for aquatic use.
Fully-tested by actual hobbyists with all kinds of marine systems and different starting levels of nitrate concentration.
Newly copyrighted formula developed by a group of Biochemists / Hydroculturists.