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An illustrated history by Mary Hillier
" This the first book to deal with the evolution of mechanical toys following on the history of automata from vcry early times. It covers the entire story, worldwide, intro-ducing famous makers and histoncal character as well as their inventions. The special emphas is from the eighteenth century onwards, when the awakening of technological interest produo both frivolous and luxury toys to amuse people and the ingenious robot machines that eventual were to transform industry. For the interest of modern collectors who assemble private or museum displays the later chapters have facts ( patents, factories, and types of output by whicl antiąue toys and automata may be identified. Chapter headings include: The Age of Fabhe (Early automata from Egypt, Arabia, Islam -the first record of types of working models whi< later ages constantly developed); Clockwork Mań (Medieval machines and the princely toys of the Renaissance); Japanese Kurakuri (Grow of mechanical theatre and automata for public performance in Japan from the seventeenth century); Wizards and Showmen (The psyche-logy of the automaton maker - Invention of musical boxes and singing birds - Royal patronage and the place of automata in a liucur society); Phantasmagoria (Sdentific working toys - the magie world of optics: Magie lanterc and phantasmagoria combined with performan by walking dolls for fashionable aduh audiences Pioneers O Pioneers! (The growth of the toy-trade in America. The story of Ives of Bridgepo and other successful American factories of the second half of the nineteenth century); Boutiqi Fantasąue (Musical-box automata and tbe French fantasy toys of the Yictorian period -Faberge and his work under the Tsaris 'Living Doli' (The contest betweendoU-maka at the end of the nineteenth century to prodocc fully articulated doli: Walking, taUting, breatfa-ing, drinking, eating, whistling, blowing łosses, etc. - The talking dolls of Edison, with pbono-graph voices andcipating modern radio, etc); Machines in Command (The golden agę of fint mechanical models and working toys and the story of the men who madę them - Wiltiam Brittain: Ernest Lehmann of Germany: The 'petits Bonhommes' of Fernand Martin of Paris)."
ILOŚĆ STRON _______________ 201
STAN KSIĄŻKI _______________ DOBRY+ obwoluta przetarta , okładka twarda czysta tekst CZYSTY
FORMAT KSIĄŻKI _______________ 18 x 25
FOTO zamieszczę po 20 – tej
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