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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: THE WIND SINGER
seria / serie: a book in THE WIND SINGER series
autor / author: William Nicholson
czyta / read by: William Nicholson
wydanie / edtion: 2001 Collins Audio
format / format: Audio Cassette (2)
ISBN: 0-00-[zasłonięte]732-4
typ / type: używana / second hand
kategoria / categories: fantastyka naukowa, fantasy / Science Fiction, Fantasy
stan książki / condition of the book: dobry plus / good plus (kasety w stanie bdb, ale etui ma urwany jeden z zawiasów)
Opis treści / summary:
"I hate school! I hate ratings! I won't reach higher! I won't strive harder! I won't make tomorrow better than today!" In the walled city of Aramanth, exams are everything - not only for children, but for whole families. When Kestrel Hath dares to rebel, the Chief Examiner humiliates her father and sentences the family to the harshest punishment. Desperate to save them, Kestrel discovers that life in Aramanth was once different - and if she can find the secret of the Wind Singer, maybe life can change for the better once more. So she and her twin brother, Bowman, set out on a terrifying journey - to the true source of the evil that grips Aramanth...
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