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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: SOUTH BY SOUTH EAST. A Diamond Brothers Story
seria / serie: -
autor / author: Anthony Horowitz
czyta / read by: Nickolas Grace
wydanie / edtion: Chiver Children's Audiobooks
czas nagrania (ok.) / running time approx: 3 hrs 13 mins
format / format: Audio Cassette (3 MCs)
ISBN: 0-7[zasłonięte]540-69-3
typ / type: używana / second hand
stan książki / condition of the book: dobry plus / good plus (trochę otarć etui; książka wycofana z biblioteki)
Opis treści / summary:
Meet the Diamond Brothers, the world's worst private-detective agency, in this Chandler-esque spoof series from the creator of "Alex Rider". Tim is broke. So when a mysterious stranger offers him a wad of money for his overcoat, it seems like a stroke of good fortune. But there are worse things than being broke. Being shot, for one - which is what happens to the stranger, and could soon be the fate of the Diamond Brothers...The "Diamond Brothers'" exposure is at an all-time high with brand-new covers for the entire series. Also in the "Diamond Brothers" series, the four-story adventures are: "Four of Diamonds"; "Public Enemy Number Two" and "The Falcon's Malteser".
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