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ATS - Varley Jane Elizabeth - Wives and Lovers

03-06-2012, 9:01
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Koniec: 25-05-2012 12:08:43

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Wives and Lovers
Jane Elizabeth Varley

Orion Books London 2007

stan dobry

str. 315

format 11 x 18 cm

waga 185g

Książka w języku angielskim/This book is in English

Victoria Stratford's birthday party for her ambitious husband David shows off their beautiful Wimbledon house, their wonderful children, their perfect lives. But while Victoria welcomes her guests, the only person missing is David himself. Victoria's sister Clara and her husband Tom are at the party. Unworldly and idealistic, Tom scorns David's quest for wealth. While Clara is content with her job as a university lecturer, she yearns for a change in her life. In the garden, the youngest sister Annie talks to her husband Hugo. Very happy together, the only blight on their lives is Hugo's mother, whose jealousy and possessiveness have turned into a poisonous hatred of Annie. So begins a train of events that will lead each sister down a different path - towards love, sex, grief, betrayal and happiness.